::Seeing you again::

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♥ – - – Recap – - – ♥

Craig : Jermaine. He says you have to get to training straight away and when the twins can walk they’re training too, but we can take today off
Kourtney : Fuck no. I’m not putting them through this. They don’t deserve to grow up around Jermaine

Craig : You’re telling me.

Kourtney : We have to plan our escape and fast. I gut need to wait a few months to 
recover my strength from this pregnancy

Craig : Aii. We’ll keep in touch. You’ll be back at school right?

Kourtney: Mmmhmm

Craig : we’ll talk there. You can stay over at mine tonight

Kourtney : Ok, thanks. You mad if you thing i’m bringing these little angels to mine.

♥ – - – End Of Recap – - – ♥

♥ – - – Kourtney’s P.O.V – - – ♥

A few hours passed and I was released from the hospital, by then Craig has gone to buy things for the twins and by the time he came back he picked me up to say over at his house.He came to my hospital room, by that time he picked me up and took me to his car, he was holding Zoe and I was holding Zac. We Put them in their car seats and drove to Craig’s house.

He unlocked the door and took me upstairs into the kids room. He went a little overboard with the things but it made me smile I put Zoe to sleep in her room and straight after Zac in his room.

I walk downstairs and find Craig talking to 3 other boys One was Ray and the other I recal was Jacob but the third one with the hat I didn’t quite know. I only heard bits of their conversation like ‘you had a child?’ , ‘You're a fucking idiot’ , ‘You did what to her?’ and then I hear Prod shout ‘You told my mom to fucking come over?’

I sat on the stairs and watched the scene that was going to happen I felt sorry for Craig be he kinda deserved what was going to happen. All of a sudden I heard the door open and I heard high heels walk through the door all of a sudden ‘hi my baby boy’

♥ – - – Craig’s P.O.V – - – ♥

I Can not believe Jacob told my mom to come over, yes im 16 and don’t live with my mom, I live with my dad and 3 of my best friends well I prefer them as brothers. Just then my mom walks through the door, how am I going to tell her ? She is going to be so ashamed!

CM : “Baby”

Just then all the rest of the boys run out the room like they knew something was going to 

Craig : “Hey mom”

CM : “I just got off the phone with Mary. Her husband just left her, anyway what you been up to?”

Craig : “Mom Mary? That was Kourtney’s moms name. Weird .”

CM : “Well back in my day there were so many Mary’s in the world we couldn’t count. I still 
can’t believe my little angel got pregnant anyway I came to see her babies. I heard she is 
sleeping over?”

Craig : “Yeah mom about that, I – I – I r- r- r raped her”

CM : “Craig Crippen if you tell me one more lie like that I am going to beat you so hard th-”

I start to tear up I didn’t know what to do. I told her and she didn’t believe me this is because I would never do anything like this

Craig : “Mom. No. Her babies are here because they are you grandchildren.”
I look in her eye’s very deeply and my eye’s started to tear up, we have never had a family moment like this before because im never the bad one

Craig : “Mom, I would never, I was threatened on my life.”

She just looked at me and shook her head ’ Im so disappointed in you Craig ’ she walked towards the stairs to go find Kourtney. i just sat on the couch and sat there regretting everything I did. I am an idiot.

♥ – - – Kourtney’s P. O. V – - – ♥

I watched half of their conversation and I could tell the disgusts in his moms eye’s and then I saw fear, mixed with regret in Craigs. I couldn’t watch it I just went up into Craig’s room and sat at the edge of the bed.

Mrs Crippen came into my room with a big surprise and gave me presents for the twins she was being awkwardly nice for some reason im guessing Prod told her she said she will be having a guest in the morning and I should get some sleep. I take a peep In Zac’s room first and smile at the fact that he looks so much like Craig, I was thinking yes Moma gave birth to a hot son and I went into Zoe’s room and cried she looked like me. I was so happy when I was her age. I vowed to myself I wouldn’t let Jermaine take her. I stepped out and back into Craig’s room and drifted to sleep I guess he was sleeping on the couch.

In the morning I was up by 4am to start my morning routine before school. I breastfed the twins and by this time it was 5am and I hopped into the shower and quickly came out dressed in jeans, boots, a white tee-shirt and a leather jacket and bathed the twins. I dressed them up and put them in their beds and went downstairs for breakfast,

Everyone was downstairs from lastnight. Mohawk, Afro, Two Braids and hat. I made my way down the stairs and bumped into this lady, I’m guessing she was the lady Craig’s Mom was talking about. The lady didn’t look me in my eye’s she just smiled and walked on. 
'What’s your name? ’ I asked her 'Mary' she said 'That was my mothers name' I replied she just tried to push past me but dropped her phone. I helped her pick it up and I looked at the screensaver it was me and my mom on my 10th birthday. I slowly hesitated to give her back her phone. I grabbed the lady’s hand and turned her over to me and lifted up her chin and looked her in they eye. I couldn’t quite find the word to say it. It’s like all the words in my head had disappeared. It slowly forced itself out of my system and I was getting emotional . ‘Mom ’ I asked ‘Hey baby it’s me’ she said. I simply shook my head by this time my tears streaming out of my eye’s I ran up into Craig’s room. and locked the door. She’s alive?

I’ve been really busy lately and I think I will be busy half of next week because of I have a dance exhibition stay mindless 

The Person I Once Was [Mindless Behavior Prodigy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon