: accidents happen :

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It wasn't a weird idea to go to a concert by myself, right? People go to concerts with their friends, even their parents. Maybe not a rock concert but I honestly hope I don't look like a loser in the crowd. I've been to concerts before but its nice to see your friend next to you during the experience. 

Oh well. This is for myself and all of my friends were busy. I also already paid for the ticket.




I held the thin paper in my hand and tapped it on my steering wheel. I was excited of course. It was the fact that I was going alone... I hope I don't do something stupid. Last time I did something like this alone I ended up waking up in someone else's bed... Oh god, please.

I got out of my car and fixed my jeans since they were riding up my ass. The jeans looked tight and had a hole on the knee. I also wore a lacey black tank top that revealed a hint of my stomach. It was skimpy, yes, but it helped me feel more confident. I thought it was appropriate rock concert attire. I looked very mature compared to all of the teenagers in the line to the nightclub which made me feel like an old fart. I checked the time on my phone. "8:15 ," I muttered. Forty five minutes until the concert began. I was a little late because I had to deal with a crap load of traffic on the way here. I wasn't really in the best mood, but hopefully the music will take away my stress.

I carried on to get into line, but a huge gust of wind made the concert ticket fly out of my hand. I ran to try to catch it but it kept twirling in the air away from me. I started to laugh in anger because the night wasn't really going well due to the awful traffic, the cold weather, and now my ticket doesn't wanna be nice to me. My stress was boiling in the pit of stomach. I just wanted to sit on the concrete and cry.

I thought I passed a couple of buildings, so I had to try walk back to nightclub. The thought of trying to find my way to the nightclub in freezing darkness made me want to kick and scream. My ticket finally drifted towards the ground after running for which seemed like forever. I didn't know where the hell I was but I was focused on getting the ticket. I saw a man walking out of a door laughing and he put his arm up. I didn't know what he doing. Was he waving? Was he drunk? I just tried to focus on the ticket. The ticket looked like it moving sideways toward the building next to me so I ran in the same direction as it. I felt a big lump on hand and I fell on the ground on top of big mass. I thought it was a trash can but it was squishy and felt...human. "Oh shit!" I whispered. I had fallen on a person!

I couldn't pick out his features or emotions, but I could tell it was a dude. He was moaning and I thought I hurt him badly. I immediately apologized to him. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I am such a doof!" I noticed the guy chuckling and he patted my back. 

I realized I was still on top of him. I rolled off his small body and we both were lying on the ground laughing. He held out his hand and it was my ticket. "The probability of me catching this paper was low but I actually caught it so that was fucking incredible," the man smiled. I laughed once more and took my ticket. The guy got up and frowned,
"Here, let me help you get cleaned up." I didn't know what 'cleaned up' meant. The man put his hand out and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and my knee stung. The hole that was in my jeans was shredded and my thigh was all bloody. I turned beet red because I couldn't go to a concert with a busted leg.

The guy grabbed my arm gently and guided me inside the building. I thought it was odd to be taken by a stranger to get my wound cleaned, but I felt like I trusted him.

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