: second time around :

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I slid the jeans on and they surprisingly sort of fit me. They hung low on my waist but they were manageable. My lacy top was kind of dirty now but my outfit looked grungy so I didn't complain. I walked out of the bathroom and saw that most of the instruments were gone.

 I tried to find a piece of paper or something so I could write down my phone number so I could return Frank's jeans. I also wanted to treat him with dinner or something since I could have bled out without his help. Okay maybe not bled out, but I could have looked like a five year old crying on the sidewalk. 

I saw a ripped piece of paper and pen next to it and wrote down my number and my name. I placed it on the red vinyl couch and headed out to find the nightclub.

Let's be honest here... Running isn't fun for everyone. I thought I ran at least a mile for my ticket, but I actually ran a few feet away from the entrance to the nightclub. Frank's place must be next to the nightclub. Must suck hearing the music all the time and party goers shouting at 2 A.M. I walked up to the bouncer and showed him my ticket. He signaled me in and I tried to squeezed my way through to the front. Some of the kids were being kind of pushy and someone accidentally whacked my thigh so I mumbled some not holy words. I got really close to the stage and felt accomplished. I kept thinking about Frank, though... Who wouldn't after the series of events that happened in the last half hour. His name was really familiar somehow... Like I read it somewhere.




The stage area was dark and I didn't see anyone on stage but a drummer. I saw a guy with a white guitar step out of the darkness and shouted into a microphone. 

"How is everyone tonight? I hope y'all are feeling fucking INCREDIBLE!" 

I wanted to fall onto the floor and lay there. I was so struck.

It was Frank. Frank Iero. As in frnkiero andthe cellabration. The band I am seeing tonight, well currently am. I am so stupid! I knew his name was familiar. I was backstage with him. Holy- 

"Now I gonna start this off by singing my personal favorite." 

He started strumming and looked right at me. He smiled ear to ear and swung back and forth on his toes. He mouthed, "Nice jeans." The crowd was murmuring and some girl looked at me. I smirked and flipped him off playfully. He laughed and the crowd started screaming. The girl who stared at me completely forgot about me and reached for Frank. Frank started to sing and it was hot. His voice was crackly like a warm fire. 

After a few songs and stare downs with Frank, he took a water break. Someone behind me was trying to get in front of me but ended up pushing me. I doubled over since someone else bumped my thigh while I got tossed around by the person who pushed me. I groaned and a few people were whispering around me. Of course I do something stupid tonight. I looked up at the stage and Frank was talking to a big brawny man. He nodded towards my direction. "Was he talking about me? Is he kicking me out?" I thought. 

A few moments after, the same guy Frank was talking to walked up to me. "Uh, Frank wanted me to let you know that you can go backstage if you want. You'll have a nicer view as well." I was stunned and my toes were tingling. I nodded and the guy guided me to one of the wings next to the stage. There was a stool waiting for me with a note on top of it saying, "Thought you would like to have a seat, didn't want you to get thrown around in the crowd. Oh yeah, SUPRISE!" 

I giggled and sat on the stool. Frank faced me and I waved the note. He gave me the 'o.k' sign with his fingers and started playing. 

I was kind of hoping nobody would see me through the wings since I didn't wanna look like a groupie. 

Frank's music drowned me in an emotional abyss. I wanted to stay in there forever. But alas, all things come to an end and Frank finished up his performance. The crowd filed out and Frank walked over towards me with his guitar. He strummed a bit and said, "Surprise motherfucker," he winked. I laughed and shrugged. "You got me... I can be completely oblivious to my surroundings." Frank stepped closer. "Did you like the show?" I nodded, "Totally! I didn't know you were a screaming with a lot of middle aged angst type of guy." Frank smirked and strummed a bit more. "Very funny. Can you stay a little bit so we can hang?" 

I got butterflies in my stomach and smiled, "I've got all the time in the world, bud."


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