: sea salt :

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The bathroom had cute little seashell soaps and I couldn't help but pick at them. They smelled like sea salt and looked like the ones my grandmother had at her beach house in Massachusetts. When the soap began to look more like blobs than seashells I just watched beads of blood sprout from my scrape. The bleeding wasn't as bad as before and the stinging stopped. I remembered why I was running... I was grabbing my ticket for my concert. Fuck. I'll probably be in the back row. 

I heard a squeak from the big metal door I came into with Frank and panicked a bit. If it was his apartment wouldn't it be weird for me to be sitting on his bathroom counter all bloody in front one of friends or-

"Girlfriend!" I whispered.

I tried to kick the door shut but I ended up hitting someone again. I heard a familiar cackle. 

It was Frank Iero.

"You have a knack of hitting people in the most random moments, my dear," Frank smirked.

I wanted to drown myself down the small toilet. "Frank... I am so sorry... I thought it was someone else," I tried not to laugh but I let out a giggle. Frank walked over with jeans. He placed them next to me. He grabbed my hands which were covering my face. I looked at him straight in the eye and felt numb again. He smiled and closed his eyes. "It's okay," he whispered. I felt my cheeks warm up for the 6th time tonight and clutched onto his muscular hands. Frank opened his eyes and tilted his head toward my thigh. "Oh shit, I forgot to wrap your scrape, bud." 

Frank ran out of the bathroom once more and I was left alone. 

Until .09 seconds later Frank came back out of breath with a fresh roll of bandages. He took my leg and put it in a awkward position. He bit the bandage off the roll. He started to slowly wrap my leg. When he got closer to my waist, I got tingles down my spine. "I'm such a fucking creep," I thought. Frank put his hand really close to my hip and I didn't know if I should've budged or said something. But I allowed it since I am a slut.

I picked at the seashell soaps again because I was getting a little bit nervous. "That soap smells like the beach," Frank grinned. I nodded and replied, "It reminds me of the soaps my grandmother had in her beach house in Massachusetts. She was a very animated person...full of life. She took me to the tide pools and we would play with the tiny fish and collect seashells... She, uh, passed away seven months ago." I frowned at the thought and felt an embrace. Frank was hugging me and I wrapped my arms around him...

"My grandfather was special to me too. He inspired me in many different ways. I don't know where I would be without him... Don't be sad, though. She's in a better place," Frank whispered in my ear. He let go of me and we both just looked at each other. It wasn't awkward. There was this vibe I felt. I very filling one and it made me want to smile. Frank crossed his arms and spoke up, "I feel like we're old friends or something... Like destiny brought us together." I grinned and nodded, "Maybe."

Frank checked his phone and mumbled something. "You should get those pants on or you'll miss that concert," he patted my knee again.

"How did you know I was going to a concert?" 

"Saw the ticket. Heard the band is really dorky, but you might have some fun."

I smiled and and grabbed the jeans next to me. "Now I have to dash out, but I'm pretty sure we'll see each other again," he winked. He ran out of the bathroom and I didn't know where he was going. I tried to call out his name because I was doubting that we would see each other again. I was alone in this guy's bathroom and putting on his jeans that probably won't fit me. He hugged me, held my hands more than once, what the fuck else is gonna happen with this dude?

 He hugged me, held my hands more than once, what the fuck else is gonna happen with this dude?

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