Spencer's POV

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What is up in the hood!:) it's ur boi caitlin, this is my first book excuse my spelling and Grammer XD I'll be trying to read every comment you post BTW every other day this book will have a new page ;3

Spencer...Spencer...Spencer my mom Lisa coos is my ear as she shakes me gently. What do you want I grumble still have asleep. She continues shaking me. I make a final attempt to swat her away. She walks over to my window and opens up the blind causing me to grab my pillow and stuff it in front of my face. Due to the fact it's rays were to much for my morning eyes. Eventually she leaves knowing I won't go back to sleep. Turning to My alarm clock I check the Time (7:53) I groan since I never get to sleep in I guess that's the price I pay for having Bruno my 4 year old german shepard. As soon as I walk down stairs I see Bruno at the door waiting for his walk as we do every morning. Mom smiles you better walk him quickly since you prectastinated she teases with a big grin.

I turn around the street a few blocks down from my house not really noticing where I was going I collided into a girl I'd never seen before and I have seen everyone that goes to Fisherman High school. She glares at me looking like I killed her family. Offering my hand she refuses to take it and gathering her thing she dusts herself off. "Have I seen you around before?" Asking to ease the tention between us. She looks up at me and still glaring and rolling her eyes "Of course you would recognize me you asshole remember me, Frankie the girl that you and your gang harassed until I was forced to leave due bullying of course you don't remember you probably don't even care now get the fuck away from me." She shoves me outta her way forcefully as I stand there like a deer in headlights tying to grasp on to this information. My head swirls around and around and I know longer know what to do but to return home.

I put Bruno in the house patting him on his head letting him know I am parting with him once agian. I walk out the door and sit on the bench waiting on Calvin and Blake to pick me up since my mom doesn't trust me with a car, even though we can efford one. As Blake's Ford truck comes to a stop Calvin jesters me in. "What's with the frown, where's my happy go lucky friend?" Asks Blake concerned. "Spencer did you and Taylor fight agian?" I look up at them and stare blankly back still tying to piece the missing pieces back together. I manage to say nothing like that all I am gonna say is Frankie Hastle is back I mumble agrovatied. On the ride to school things are mostly quite with little interruptions into Blake asks "I am not trying sound like a dick but is she still chubby." I glare at him "Blake did u know we are the reasons she left school?"I say unsatisfied with myself. "So what we where kids back then we where stupid it was one thing move on." "Blake's right." Calvin says. Blake pushes me smiling you will live Spencer my boy and so will she Blake says while I look out of the window showing no emotion.

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