Spencer POV

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   My eyes meet with hers, they say eyes tell a lot about the people and all I see is hurt. She turns away from me and starts to walk away without hesitation. I grab her arm she's full of shock all I wanna do is apologize and make things right but I can see she is very broken and that might take time. "What do you want?" "Please let me aplogize." I say people starting to watch now. "All you want is for me to hurt leave me alone before we both do something we both regret." Her words full of hate. She pushes me outta my way with full force almost knocking me to the ground, she covers her face looking like she's about to cry. I start to walk towards her but I am stopped by a blonde haired boy... Dillion. "Leave her be or you will have me to deal with me." His face shows no remorse. I walk away I feel eyes staring into my back and laughs and comments like. Pretty boy has never been turned down and what does he want with her.

  I see Calvin walking over to me out of the corner of my eye. "Spencer you stupid fuck what was that all about what did Blake say in the car." Calvin sighs. "I know it was stupid trust me, but u feel so bad and I wanna so her I am sorry I was a stupid kid." I hang my head. "Spence listen if you keep at this your gonna bring trouble on everyone and I refuse to have it." He says sturn. "I know." I say under my breath. "Good come on Blake is waiting for us in the truck."

  We drive for about 5 minutes until we reach my house, I jump outta the car and head inside. Mom rushes over to me "Awww look my little boy looks like he hasn't sleep since 1987." I turn around and start to walk upstairs. "Spencer Harris don't ignore me like that, you know you have to help clean up before your father gets him from work." I groan "I really don't feel good." She puts her hands on her hips. "What is wrong." " I really don't wanna talk about it right now." Fine go upstairs and do you homework but tommorow ur gonna clean all by yourself." I run up the stairs to my bed and collapse taking my pillow and yelling into it." My phone vibrates and I pick it up its Taylor.

Taylor xoxo~ Hi baby I didn't see you much of school all day, wanna hang out...

Me~ Tay I don't feel like it I am srry I will see you later

Taylor xoxo~ listen Spence we need to talk...like now😡

Me~ ok I'll be there

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