Quidditch is my life (re-writing parts)

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I'm currently re-writing the story because I wrote this when I was 14... I know it contains a lot of mistakes but I mixed a few books up on purpose because I liked those characters or because I wanted to, after all most of the characters are based on the book but most of the story is mine :)

Name: Phoenix Lily Black


School: Durmstrang, she went there because it was the best school to practise and play quidditch she was the only girl in the school and her best friend was Viktor Krum.

She goes to hogwarts this year because she was expelled from durmstrong. She played a prank on the headmaster and it went wrong.

Year: 4th the same year as the golden trio

House: ?

Blood status: pure blood

Description: wavy brown hair, electric blui eyes, tall: about 5'6, skinny

Parents: Sirius Black, Anne Black (dead)

Personality: funny, loves to prank, happy most of the time, sometimes really hyper and a normal/kinda smart student. 

Hobbies: playing quidditch, pranking and reading

Extras: Methamorphamagus but I can control my hair most of the time, Animagus and half Veela

Bio: hii I'm Phoenix, I love quidditch and this year is going to be my first year at hogwarts.

I also love to prank.

I play quidditch for Ireland and I'm the youngest player ever.

My best friend is Viktor Krum, I know you won't expect that with him playing for the Bulgarian team.

But I have to leave now for the last practise before the final!

Methamorphamagus colours:








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