Austin Moon

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name: Austin Moon
age: 17
year: 6th
school: Durmstrang
Blood status: Pure blood
Description: he looks like Austin Mahone
Personality; funny, sweet, really caring and Always happy
hobbies: playing quidditch and hanging out with friends
Bio: Hi I'm Austin Moon. I go to Durmstrang and love to play quidditch. My best friend is Viktor Krum.
I'm going to Hogwarts for the tri-wizard tournement and Viktor just won't shut up about this girl named Phoenix.
I heard she went to Durmstrang but this is my first year at Durmstrang so I don't know her. I mean I know almost everything about her thanks to Viktor and I do know she is a famous quidditch player but I've never met her.
But I have to go now, we are leaving for Hogwart tomorrow morning and I still need to start packing.

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