Chapter 1. Hannah

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His office was white and big, scary and welcoming, something I had gotten used to, since I came here just about every month. I remember this time being especially strange because Dr. Rosenfield had just gotten back from vacation and had developed a weird tan line on his face, running down the entrie left side as if he just laid in the sand trying to tan one half of his body.

''What can I get for you?'' A lady no older than 16 stood in front of me. Her bright blue eyes shining with generosity and her long blonde hair pulled up into a neet pony tail underneath her hat. I would say she stood about 5'4''. I quickly glanced upward at the menu, the seasonal drinks here were the best something everyone in the town looked forward to.

''I'll take a hot chocolate.'' Classic huh? The lady nodded her head and pushed some butttons on the cash register.

''Will that be all?'' I nod my head and smile.

''Yes.'' She proceeds to type into the register once more.

''That'll be $3.65.'' I reach into my wallet and hand her the money.

He was a tall man, very old who had 4 kids all in college, who as soon as my mother and I walked into the room put his hand out for her to shake and she did so with a smile on her face.

''I'm glad you could come in on such short notice.'' His gruff voice sounded throughout the room. My mother nodded slightly before she opened her mouth.

''It was nothing, i'm just a little concerned.'' She said while tapping my knee lightly. Dr. Rosen then turned his attention to me, he was smiling even though his eyes seemed bored with me already. I wonder how many other children had he been given the wonderful oppertunity to see this morning? I felt my feet swing lightly in the chair, my sparkely shoes dancing in the light.

''How are you Adrianna?'' He asked me. I looked up slowly and felt a small smile place itself on my face.

''Good Dr. Rosenfield.''

I walked over to the pick up counter and pulled out my phone. 1 missed call from Chera. I decided I would return it after I got into the car. Can't really risk someone joining in on the conversation.

''Adrianna? Hot chocolate.'' I put my hand up and walked through the crowd of teenage girls and grandmothers, all waiting to get their hot drinks. The young man who looked about my age had brown eyes and black hair. He smiled sweetly at me and pushed the cup forward on the counter.

''Here you go miss.''he began,''never seen you 'round here before.'' His southern accent was very alluring, but I knew that by now that was his intention.

''My friend and I just moved in.'' He nodded his head like he understood.

''Well then.'' He leaned closer ,'' allow me to personally welcome you to the neighborhood.'' His smile was perfect and I grabbed my drink off the counter.

''If you ever want someone to show you around you'll know where to find me.'' He said looking directly into my eyes.

''Alright.'' I said sweetly and walked over to find an empty table.

''Is it happening again?'' I of course knew what he was refering to. Me seeing things again. The medicine had worn off I guessed that was probably the cause of what happened this morning. Probably.

''I guess.'' I mumbled still looking down at my shoes. This conversation felt very one sided and I knew that I was probably going to be the one who was made to look like a fool.

Sure blame the schizophrenic right?

I managed to find a seat by the window and put the hot chocolate down on the table. It was still steaming and the aroma was sending shock waves through my nose. I pulled out the chair and sat down opening the drink and lifting it up to my lips. I looked up to find someone sitting across from me.

''Hello.'' I set the drink down on the table and looked at the woman across from me. She looked as if she was in her early to mid thirties with her slightly greyed brown hair and dullish blue eyes. Her coat looked new and almost as if from another time period. I imediatly knew she was well...not real.

I just nodded in her direction, not wanting to cause a scene inside of the coffe shop. She looked at me and began to speak.

''Nice weather we're having isn't it?'' She was english and had an extremly thick accent,'' I'm Hannah and I already know you're Adrianna.'' I continued to ignore her and instead turned my focus to my phone. I checked the weather. Hmm I guess it was nice, about 45 degrees and sunny, nicer than it's been all week.

''Ah denial? Ms. that won't keep me away,'' I still refused to look up at her. She sighed deeply and mumbled something about me not being sociable before she spoke again,''you see that man over there?'' she motioned behind her with her index finger. I looked up quickly and saw the man whom she was talking about. He was sitting by himself with a muffin while on his cell phone. But as I looked over his eyes snapped to mine, his eyes were a deep brown color. Nothing special. I turned back to Hannah and slightly turned my head as if to hide behind her. Ah if only she was real.

''Be careful with him.'' she whispered even though I'm the only one who can hear her.''He's not what he seems.'' I guess he was rather strange. There was something about his appearence that made him seem like i'd met him before. I'd learned in the past that listening to these figmants of my imagination could pay off, like in the third grade when I was about to run into the road a man appeared with a stop sign, so I had no reason to not listen to this mysterious woman in front of me. I nodded slightly at her and she disapeared right before my eyes.

''Yes we'll try the new pills and see what happens Ms. Mooney.'' Dr. Rosenfeild stood up and handed my mom the white bottle. I wonderedd what color the pills would be this time. Red? Orange? Yellow?

''And you Adrianna need to tell your mommy every time you see something alright?'' I nodded my head and walked over to grab my mom's hand.

''See you in a month.'' 

I stood up and pushed my chair in, disposing of the cup into the trash before exiting the shop. I fasined my coat tighter around my body and walked over to my black Range Rover opening the doors and sitting inside. I took a deep breath before turning on the car. I glanced back into the shop to see the man, who was still sitting in his seat.

''What's so special about you?'' I asked myself. A second later the man's eyes scanned the room and landed on the table I was sitting at. His face set into a frown. I wonder why? I pulled the car into reverse and headed back to the apartment still thinking of Hannah and her message. Most importantly what did it mean?

''Adrianna you be careful now.'' Dr. Rosenfield's eyes met mine cautiously.

''Okay Dr.'' My mother and I walked out of his office and into the lobby. She opened the door and guided me through the car lot. She opened the doors and I attempted to get in myself but had some trouble due to my size.

Seconds later two hands went under my armpits and lifted me into the car. I turned,''thanks mo-'' a finger placed itself upon his lips. I nodded knowingly again getting lost in the two beautiful red eyes. The figure dissapeared before my eyes and I sat there conpletley amazed, and dumbfounded.

My mother sat in her seat .'' Are you sure you're all right honey?'' She said while looking through the mirror.

''Ya mom i'm fine.''

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