Chapter 2. Delivery Boy...

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The drive back to the apartment was nice. The calm autumn breeze blowing through the trees and the dull movement of my car on the freshly paved road.

I had ust enough money to move I wherever I felt comfortable.

The parking lot wasn't big but full of cars from the people who lived there I pulled in and parked in a spot I'd considered mine since is arrived a week earlier and stepped out. A short walk into the building and then up the elevator to the room.

I pulled out my key and unlocked the door pushing into the apartment. The one I lived in alone.

Did I feel bad lying to that boy. No. He shouldn't have asked. I put my wallet on the counter and walked into my bedroom, pulling of my clothes and deciding to take a shower. I took my towel into the bathroom and turned the water waiting until it became hot.

I could feel my muscles unwinding as each drop of hot water caressed my body and I began to replay the day on my mind. A picture of Hannah made its way into my head.

Her dull blue eyes and slightly white hair looking flustered. She told me to avoid the man yet I had no idea of who he was or what as a matter of fact. It wasn't like I was going to run into him anytime soon and have coffee.

I pushed the thoughts aside and began to wash my body the warm sent of lavender and honey filled my nose and I slipped into an even deeper stage of relaxation.

For once in my life I was completely alone.

I closed my eyes and just let the water run over me for a few more seconds before turning off the shower an stepping out. I wrapped my towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom picking out my clothes for the night.

Walking back into the living room I looked into the fridge and checked for any food.

None I thought of course not. It's a good thing I had pizza at my finger tips.

I ordered a cheese that would supposidly be ready in 15 minutes. However I'd learned from Monday 15 minutes may vary.

The bell rang about 10 minutes later and I immediately smelt the food. Strange. I grabbed a 20 from my wallet and walked to the door.

The man that delivered the food was tall and had his head down making his features shadowed. He handed the box to me and I placed the bill into his hand. Which he immediatly retracted seconds later.

''No,'' a gruff voice spoke out,''you keep...on house.''

''Thank you?,'' I took back my hand akwardly,''have a nice night.'' I said. He glanced upward slightly and I could see his teeth gleaming in contrast to the darkness of the hallway.

He walked away slowly and I closed my apartment door. While leaning against the back of it my brain began to flood with ideas about the mysterious delivery man.

Walking over to the table I opened the box.

And a piece of paper fluttered to the ground.I picked it up and examined what I thought would be the recipt. But there was no total, no brand, no anything.

Except a single word.


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