Pregnancy Hormones (pt 1)

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Y/N..." You heard your wife call from inside of your shared closet, though she had taken up more space than you.

"Yes, baby girl?" You called back out to her, looking down at your phones as you scrolled through your Twitter feed.

You heard some shuffling, then from the corner of your eye, you saw your wife emerge from out of the closet wearing nothing but black lace panties and a matching bra. Your mouth fell agape as you took in her beauty- her hair was flowing naturally down her shoulders and she had no makeup on, she was also sporting a barely noticeable baby bump, where y'alls baby was currently growing.

"Y/N, I'm so fat... How are you attracted to me? Why are you married to someone as ugly as I am? You deserve so much better than me..." Lauren said through sobs.

You threw your phone onto the bed, then you quickly got up and ran over to your wife, wrapping your arms around her tightly. "Lauren, listen to me, okay? You are not ugly, you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world, and our baby is going to be a heartbreaker as she sports the looks from her beautiful mama... I don't deserve better, Laur, simply because you're the best. I love you so much, and our little baby."

She looks up at you, with tearstained cheeks, and red puffy eyes. "You really think all that?"

You nod your head, placing a soft kiss to her forehead as you wipe away the tears from her cheeks. "Laur, I don't think, I know."

Lauren bit her lip as she moved her hands to rest on her swollen abdomen. "Y/N... can you go get me some nachos, and pickles dipped in peanut butter? Your daughter definitely has your appetite."


"That's not the peanut butter I wanted, Y/N! I wanted the whipped kind and you bring me back chunky" Lauren said, handing (well throwing) the peanut butter to/at you, her nose flaring.

"Laur, that's all they had I'm sorry." You said as you attempted to wrap your arms around her.

She pushed you away from her, turning over onto her side with her back towards you.

A few moments had passed, and you thought you heard sniffling, but you weren't sure until you saw Lauren's body moving a bit.

"Lo." you said softly as you moved behind her, wrapping your arm around her waist.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm so sorry." She kept sobbing into the pillow.

You sighed then placed your hand on her tummy, rubbing softly. "Princess, it's okay. I love you okay? And our baby girl."

She turned over in your arms, smiling up at you. "We love you too."

'8 months of hormones to go.. God help me.'

Lauren Jauregui Imagines.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang