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Nagisa's PoV.

I'm pretty sure I got high scores in my tests.

I'm not saying this to brag but I will!

It's not my fault a... um... the devil taught me!

Korosensei walked in the rooms atmosphere became heavier.

This wasn't your ordinary test, it determined who got to shoot him.

He suddenly turned bright and a orange circle appeared in his face. "Well done everyone! You all passed!"

"Now let's see our scores shall we?"

He held an envelope, "Top in English in Class E is- eh?"

"What's wrong Korosensei?"

"It's a tie between Rio and Nagisa!" He panicked. Me and Rio shared a glanced and grinned, we both went up.

"Oh now what to do poor you," Rio taunted.

"So do we get to cut off two tentacles?" She asked.

"TWO!? No that's cheating! The two of you decide who gets to cut it off!"

I just sat backdown, "Ya can have it Rio,"

She grinned, "Thanks!"

"And in over all score- gaaahhhh! Nagisa and Rio!"

I laughed as Rio joined, "H-how did you guys beat A-Asano!?"

Rio and Nagisa
Top 1 of Year 3
Top 1 of Class E

"Ok next is Science,"

"The top of our class is Okuda Manami! With a score of 100, you beat Asano!"

I looked at my paper, "Nagisa is also behind you by a point, 99 in tie with Asano!"

"Japanese in our Class is... Kanzaki Yukiko! But you didn't sadly took first rank but you sure did give the principals son a run for his money! But we all know Japanese is not accounted for but I'm still proud of you."

"For Social Studies.. out of our class Yuma Isogai! And for over all... Yuma Isogai!"

"Yes!" He cheered. "Nagisa also took 2nd,"

"And lastly for Mathematics,"

I grinned, he forgot Home Economics.

"Nagisa you took top spot with the extra credit! Even Asano wasn't able to solve it!"

I smirked, he gave us all our papers. I took my papers out. I walked up to him, "Hey teach what about Home Ec?" I smirked as I gave him a 100 scored paper.

"Yeah Korosensei?" as Terasaka's group all walked up to the front and gave him four 100 scored papers.

"eh..?" He asked picked up our paper, "GAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

"T-that's nine," He stuttered. "BUT I DON'T HAVE NINE TENTACLES!"

"No worries teach I'll be an attacker as you regenerate but I just might not kill you... yet," I said as I left and sat down on my table.

He laughed creepily, "Can you really?" He asked.

My eyes darkened, my smile got colder, I held my head high. "Are you belittling me?"

His face turned nervous, I smiled sweetly again. "Well we have a walk down the hill let's get ready,"

3rd person view.

WHO are you Nagisa?

Everyone thought as his cold face and words haunted their memory.

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