Chapter One

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I squint at the board as I tap my pen against the table with my middle and fore finger. I have memorised the periodic table perfectly due to my photographic memory, and I'm currently trying to remember them in groups. That's when I feel something hard and sharp hit the back of my head. I hear a light wooden pencil fall to the floor, the culprit has been identified. I slowly pick up the pencil, turn around and look the person that had thrown it at me dead in the eyes. Eleanor Winchester. She has always had something against me from the moment I arrived at St. George's School for the Mentally Advanced. The only thing mentally advanced about Eleanor was the fact that her brain is so advanced at being pathetic. (Ooh, sweet burn Cara). I simply smugly smile at her and mouth 'thank you' before keeping her pencil. I need a new one anyways and this one probably has a pure gold rubber on the end of it or something. The thing about Eleanor is that she had to buy her way into St. George's - and quite frankly that makes me feel a lot better about myself.

My family aren't the richest - it only consists of me and my dad but I was recommended free admission for getting way above average in my SATs.
That's when the bell rings. I grab my bag and dash out of the classroom before Eleanor can say anything to me.

Thank god the day is over. It's a Friday too, which is even better. I make sure to walk as fast as my legs will take me, securing my backpack on my shoulder. That was until I hear the cackle of Eleanor Winchester and her goons behind me.

"Hey Cara" she chimes in a bright but sinister tone, "nice backpack". She proceeds to try and knock it off of my shoulder but my grip is too firm. Her friends obviously find her well thought out prank hilarious and cackle along with her. I don't hear much for a while until I hear something you should never, ever say to me.

"How's your dad doing?" she hisses in a smug tone. She knows she's won. Kind of...
Before I can stop myself, I spin around and punch her with as much force as I can, straight in the nose. I then grab her by the shirt and smash her against the wall, getting into her face, which is now streaked in blood from her nose.

"Listen you little rat, I don't know how the fuck you know about my father's condition but I swear to god if you make any funny little remarks like that again, I won't just fucking hit you. I will fucking kill you, understand?" I make sure I spit as I growl out my words.
I can't tell if she's nervous or just plain stupid, but she laughs anyway.
My guess is nervous. She scurries away further down the hall and out of my vision.

Every student in the corridor is staring at me with their mouths hanging wide open. I've never snapped like that before and I'm a real teacher's pet. I'm very touchy when it comes to my dad. He's the only thing I've got and I wouldn't let anyone disrespect him.
I march in the opposite direction to Eleanor, and out of the school. I pick up the pace in case anybody has ratted on me. 
It takes me about three quarters of an hour to get home taking the tube and then proceeding to walk to my pretty scruffy terraced house.

My dad and I have been meaning to tidy up the outside a bit but due to his condition we haven't really been able to.

When I unlock the front door and step inside, he's there waiting for me. He looks furious.

"I've just received a call from your school, what the hell were you thinking?!" he yells. I get this weird feeling in my chest, I hate it when he's mad at me.

"I'm sorry dad, there was this girl and she was making fun of you-"

Suddenly the doorbell buzzes from behind me. My dad nods at me so I turn around and slowly opened the door. Stood there is a young woman with fair coloured hair pulled back into a ponytail and an outfit that looks rather like the sort of thing a horse jockey would wear. She looks very high-class, so what is she doing here?

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