Chapter Five

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Day twenty of training

My eyes flutter open to what might be the most eventful day of my existence. My date with Eggsy is today, as well as my final examination straight afterwards. A mission which secures my position as the new Galahad.

You could say I'm a bit nervous.

I leap out of bed after reading the time, 8 am. My date with Eggsey is at one o'clock and the examination is at 7 so I get at quite a while with him. I'm terrified I'll screw up. Just as my first two simulations show, he really makes me nervous.


The time is 12:30. My hair is in loose waves and I've done a golden, bronze and brown eyeshadow look, complete with black mascara and a tan matte lipstick. Basic bitch makeup, I'm aware. I fortunately don't require foundation, apart from my sparsely placed freckles, my skin is thankfully clear.

I wear a plain white t-shirt with my leather jacket over the top. On the bottom I wear a short black skirt and tights with heeled ankle boots. I'm at least 5'4 now.

I grab my backpack with my purse and umbrella inside and it's finally time to go. The nerves grow even more. I leave the room, locking the door behind me and begin walking down the hall. Eggsey had told me to meet him in the surveillance and monitoring room as he sometimes works shifts there.

I find the door quite easily due to my adventures in the air ducts, knock and enter.

The room is overall dark, with large, bright monitors all over the back wall. They show me all around the Kingsman building, all the places I'd visited in the air ducts.

There is one set of footage that doesn't look like the others. It's a point of view camera angle. There is a man wearing glasses and a big coat and snap back in the shot and next to him stands a beautiful woman with blades for feet.

I look at the words at the bottom of the shot.

Galahad, final mission, 2014.

I swallow. This was Galahad's death. The footage begins playing all of a sudden. Galahad is talking to the man in the luxurious coat. They're conversing about spy movies. I can almost feel the tension through the screen. Before I can comprehend what's happening, the man pulls out a gun, points it in Galahad's direction, looks away and shoots.

The screen shot turns on an angle. Galahad is down. He's dead. Tears form in my eyes. Galahad was just a man, a human being like you and I. Was this destined to be my fate also?

The tears begin rolling down my cheeks as I hear the door open behind me. The footage disappears from the monitor.

A pair of arms wraps around me once again.

"I'm sorry princess." he whispers, "I suppose now is the time to tell you about my good friend Harry Hart."


We've been out in the gardens for about half an hour whilst Eggsy has told me everything to know about Galahad- I mean Harry.

Harry had died a hero. Eggsy also told me about the thing with Valentine and the SIM cards sending everyone out for blood.

I remember that day like a horror movie. Out of the two of us, my dad was the only one with a mobile phone. He didn't see a reason for the SIM card, so we weren't effected.

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