Chapter Six

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I'm in the back of the black cab, my hands getting clammier by the minute. Will he be watching me in there? I don't think I can do it.

I shake my head. Woman up Cara, you are not giving up the job of a lifetime just because your hormones say you can't do something because of a guy. I'll be fine. At least that's what I reassure myself with. My train of thought is shattered with Eggsy's voice.

"Apparently we're having a visitor to Kingsman. According to Roxy they're very important."

"Do you have any idea who it may be?" I ask him.

"Not a clue."

Woohoo, more anxiety! My mind begins to wander even more as I rest my chin on my hand propped up on the side of the cab. From the corner of my eye do I spot Eggsy eyeing me in the driver's mirror. I'm terrified that I wasn't good enough for him earlier.

I try to move my eyes away to ignore his stare. His eyes shift briefly back to the road ahead anyhow.

We roll up to the London Town hall. The person I'm looking for is a good friend of the mayor's, so he's holding a meet up in here. My breathing accelerates in a short space of time. This is it.

Eggsy holds open the cab door for me and I get out, wrapping a furry, smooth scarf around my arms and over my back. I feel very elegant tonight. Eggsy pulls me close and whispers in my ear, "good luck" before placing a kiss on my cheek.

I blush, but I won't let the act put my off the mission.

Watching my step, I approach the town hall with Eggsy escorting me. The building is lit up like a Christmas tree, and I walk up the steps slowly. My mission has finally begun. There is a burly man stood in front of the doors. Eggsy lets my arm go and moves to somewhere I can't see him.

"What's your name?" the man at the door asks.

"Miss Victoria Pembrooke" I tell him confidently, with a slight smile. I pull out the ID Kingsman provided me with and flash it in front of his eyes. For a party in the town hall, it's pretty restricted.

"Go right in" he tells me and opens the door behind him.

"Thank you" I say gracefully. Entering was easier than I thought. Now for the real challenge.

I step into the hall, crystal chandeliers illuminating the room. The floor is spotless, I can see my own reflection in it in all it's golden complexity.

Oh my god.

Numerous millionaires and even billionaires stand around chatting to one another, oblivious to my entry. I recognise a number of faces around me. They're all worth more than everything me and my dad own.

All of a sudden, a tall man with GREEN FUCKING HAIR walks in front of me.

"Miss Pembrooke!" he beams. I must look confused because he says, "Nick notified me of your arrival."

"Ah, yes. Good evening sir." I say, and he takes my hand and kisses the top of it. His lips are cold in contrast to my skin, which is on fire and pooled with sweat.

"Feel free to help yourself to the buffet and socialise with the others." he smiles, but it looks sinister. I reluctantly return it and he walks away followed by a man and a woman in formal attire. Shoot. I didn't get his name, and that could have been a vital piece of information.

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