Chapter 24: Give Your Heart a Break

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me <--this book ;)

Chapter 24: Give Your Heart a Break – Kayla’s Point of View

Wanna give your heart a break

I know you're scared it's wrong

Like you might make a mistake

There's just one life to live

And there's no time to wait, to wait

So let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break

Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break

There's just so much you can take

Give your heart a break.

I leaned against Dylan and I could feel him kiss my head.

“She called me mommy,” I smiled.

“I heard,” I could hear the smile in Dylan’s voice.

“She sounded better,” I told him. “She was crying, but she sounded better. It sounded like a happy crying. I wasn’t sure how she would react if I called.”

Dylan wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me from behind, “I knew she would miss us eventually.”

“I’m glad she did,” I smiled. “It felt so good to be able to talk to her, and she even wanted me to call her again.”

“I think it finally hit her how much she misses home.”

“I think it did too. I hope she’s okay.”

“She will be,” Dylan assured me. “She will be.”

“I’ve been so stressed out about all of this.”

“I know, but give yourself a break,” he was trying to convince me. “Your heart and your mind can only take so much stress.”

“I don’t know how to give myself a break. I have music to work on, Demetria to worry about, and now this new Alicia to worry about.”

“No you don’t,” Dylan told me. “The doctors are taking care of Demetria, and we have no idea if this Alicia is real or if it’s just a joke.”

“Then what about my music?” I asked.

“You’ve been working on it nonstop every day so that can be put on hold for a day. Just relax.”

“I don’t know how,” I pouted. “If I relax then I have to let all the feelings in that I have been ignoring.”

“I know,” Dylan said, “That’s why you keep yourself so busy. So you can ignore how you’re really feeling. I’m not going to let you do that anymore.”

“Then what are we going to do?”

“The kids are going home with Demi and David and we are going to spend some time together.”

“Dylan, I-“

“No arguing Kay. You are so stressed out you can barely handle it and I hate seeing you like this. You’ve been like this ever since that call from Alicia.”

That's How You Know to Believe in Me - Demi Lovato - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now