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ok sorry for the lack of scheduled updates i just ugh.

i actually do have a reason this week tho!! i recently got my wisdom teeth out and the medicine made me break out and stuff so we couldn't figure out what was going o so i was taken of my meds on the second day so i was miserable and then it got worse and so i've been in the hospital so yea.

anyway this isnt a chapter but @Aspen_Robinson tagged me to do this so yea

1: Do you like someone?


2: Do they like me?

no sadly, well idk i'm hoping she does like me cause we've really been hitting it off.

3: Middle Name?


4: Single or Taken?

Single bitch

5: Last person I texted?

my mom :)

6: Battery percentage?

50% (do you know how long I looked for the percent sign?!)

7: Last song I listened to?

Truce by twenty one pilots

8: Girl best friend?

Caitlin (she's the one I like)

9: guy best friend?


10: Favorite otp

Phan or Joshler

11: Why did i make this account?

So i could read and write gay stuff cause my parents track my main account and are homophobic and yea...

12: Current lock screen?

12: Current lock screen?

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13: Birthday?

March 6th

I tag @5sos_Food @Pizza390 @gabbymerit03 @SecretAngelWrite and @Damn_Daniel

hey I'm going make it so you have to have 5!! yes 5!! votes for the chapter by TODAY!!! (7/23)
I beg of you

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