Chapter 18

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     Molly's P.O.V.
I woke up crying . I ran into Joeys room . " Joey I'm ready to talk about my nightmares " I said . " ok " he said as he sat up in his bed . Daniel was sound asleep. Joey got out of bed and walked me to my room . He sat on the edge of my bed . I got under the covers because it was cold in my room . " Every night you have nightmares , correct ? " Joey asked
" Correct " I said as I nodded my head
" ok what are they about? " Joey asked
" well in my nightmares something always happens to you . You get in a really bad injury but in each nightmare you get it in a different situation " I said to Joey .
" ok well I think that you should start thinking about nicer things like jimmy Fallon  " Joey said
" Yes I know but isn't it a sign for something ? " I asked
" well it could be a sign. I could get hurt like that . That's why we stay aware of our surroundings . " Joey said
" Joey what if that really happens to you " I said to Joey as I crawled over to him and him a hug " I don't know what I'd do "
I Said as I got out of the hug and looked up at him . Joey wrapped me in hug ." I love you " Joey said " I love you too dad "
I said
Joeys P.O.V.
That was the first time Molly ever called me dad ! I mean for a little while I thought she didn't like me but now I know . I know if they call you dad they really do love you . They love you as much as you love them . Little do they know what you would do if something happened to them . Little do they know if she was hurt I would be right beside her .

" let's go make pancakes ! " I said " ok " Molly said. As we walked downstairs I said " oh I almost forgot I have a surprise for you ! " I said " yay ! " Molly said .
Alright you can turn on the tv while I go wake up Daniel " I said . I went upstairs to get Daniel up . " Danny boy it's time to get up " I said in a soft voice .  He turned around and looked at me " ok " he said as he turned back around . I shrugged . For those of you don't know that me and Daniel argued  about who is going to be first called dad . How long have we argued ? Ever since we got Molly . " so Molly called me dad today ." I said. Daniel turned around " what ? " Daniel said .
" yep " I said . Daniel got out of bed and ran downstairs . I ran after him . " who am I?  " he asked Molly . Molly turned around . " your Daniel " she said  .
Daniel got upset . " your my dad Daniel " she said . Daniels face lit up " yes I am " he Said . He kissed the top of Molly's head . Daniel stuck a tongue out at me . I laughed.
~ after breakfast ~
Molly's P.O.V.
We had just finished eating and Joey told me " your surprise is on its way "  " ok " I said as I went up to my room . I heard a knock on the door . " MOLLY ITS HERE "  Joey yelled. I ran downstairs . As j got to the bottom of the steps I fainted because I saw ..........

-- Hey guys we did it we got to 200 🎉💙 Yay thank you so much . You guys are amazing ! Thanks again :) --

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