Q and A

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As samwise_gamgee tagged me I guess I'll try to answer some questions.

1. When did you first realise you loved to write?
I've always loved writing poetry when I was younger (about 7/8) and some short stories but it wasn't until I was about 10 when I first started writing out full stories.

2. What was your first story on wattpad?
Dark pasts, bright futures. Which I haven't come close to finishing because I'm one of the worst updaters in the world.

3. What is your favourite genre to write?
Definitely Fantasy because you can experiment with just about anything and create your own new worlds.

4. Who is the person you love to rant to about your books?
Usually xxmiareadxx but if I'm bored at school I'll talk to LibbySwain4

5. What is your typical chapter length?
Either around 700 or 500 words 

6. What story are you most proud of? None really. I just try to write and hope people like it, although I do quite like Shadows Will Scream That I'm Alone.

7. Have you ever written a collaboration story with someone?
Well me and xxmiareadxx have our shared account MiaAndBecca where we have some short Emo band member imagines.

8. If you have collaborated with someone what is it and is it on Wattpad? I'm not sure if this counts but samwise_gamgee has helped me with amazing ideas for my LOTR/TH imagines

9. Favourite wattpader?
I have three; xxmiareadxx samwise_gamgee and angeleyes-demonsoul as they all have amazing stories which I can't stop reading

10. Favourite story?
Sorry but that really is impossible to choose

11. Where is your favourite place to write?
I love to write sat on my beanbag in my room with my cat either sat beside me or on my bed behind me

12. How do you motivate yourself to write?
Read lots of fanfiction until inspiration finally comes to me, or have xxmiareadxx constantly asking for a new chapter

13. What is your biggest distraction when you write?
New ideas or my music which is almost always constantly playing

14. One thing you aspire to achieve as a writer?
I just want people to enjoy my work and that it makes them smile, laugh, or cry as other writers amazing work has done to me.

Now that's done I should probably tag some people although I hardly know anyone ^_^

xxmiareadxx LibbySwain4 MoonGoddessSelena and StarStuddedRiverGirl

Sorry if you've already done it, and thanks again to samwise_gamgee for tagging me ^-^

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