The Lion

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EleanorLearn requested a Fíli imagine so I hope this is okay, also go read her imagines as they are amazing!

"Fee where are we going?" You asked as Fíli your lifelong friend dragged you to the forest just on the borders of the blue mountains.

"We're going to my secret place, i thought you might like it."

He ran through the trees keeping a constant hold on your hand as the branches rushed past. You finally emerged into a small clearing filled with flowers.

"Fee... It's beautiful!"

*five years later*

"Race you to the clearing Fee!!"

You ran past him into the forest, following a familiar path you learnt  better than the back of your hand. As you slowed down outside the clearing Fíli jumped out behind you sending you both falling into the flowers.

"Gottcha Y/N!"

You rolled over and looked up, watching the thin wisps of white clouds form shapes in the clear blue sky.

"Hey Fee, promise me something?"

"What is it?"

"Promise me you won't leave me?"

"Of corse Y/N, I promise!"

*time skip 2 years*

"Fíli you can do this, you can't just leave me here!"

"Y/N I have to, we have to reclaim our home, and you know I don't have a choice!"

You clung onto Fíli crying. He was leaving on the quest to reclaim Erebor, he was leaving you.

"Can't I come with you, I can defend myself perfectly well!"

"You know Uncle would never let you."

You just hugged him tighter, hoping it could stop him leaving.

"How long do you have?"

"A day."

He said looking down.

You took his hand and you both set off to your clearing. It started to get dark but you just sat their watching the stars. You turned over and admired how beautiful the prince was, especially bathed in silver moonlight which made his hair look even more golden.

"Promise me you'll come back?"

"I'll try Y/N."

That was all you said as you let the night pass before you. You leant against Fíli's chest and fell asleep to his soft humming.

*the day of the quest*

You waved goodbye struggling to keep a smile on your face. You walked back inside the Durin's house and sat down with lady Dis.

"I have to go after them Dis, I can't just let Fee go without me."

"I'll get some supplies, look after my boys Y/N, take care."

"But what about Thorin?"

"He'll understand darling, now hurry before you lose sight of them!"

*in the shire*

"Y/N at your service."

You said bowing to a very confused angry Bilbo Baggins.

" many more of you are there??"

"Well Master Baggins Dwalin and Balin are already here so that makes 11 left."

He didn't say anything just turned and walked back to where Dwalin was.

"Balin, Dwalin, greetings."

"Lass you're not meant to be here!"

Dwalin said more worried about you than angry.

"Brother she's here because of Fíli, leave her be!"

"Is it really that obvious?!"

You choked out as Balin and Dwalin carried on mumbling to themselves, when another knock came at the door.

"Fíli, and Kíli at your service. You must be master Boggins?"

Fíli dropped his pile of daggers into poor Bilbo's hands and walked into the pantry where you were standing.

"Kee it's Baggins not Boggins!"


Kíli and Fíli came rushing towards you and crushed you in a massive hug.

"Well I didn't want you to have to break your promise Fee, so I decided to come along and look after you two!"

*The Battle Of The Five Armies*

Orcs were everywhere, more alive than dead. Thorin had just recovered from the dragon sickness and you had rallied our dwarven kin to take out the Orc scum.

"Dwalin, Fíli and Kíli come with me!"

Thorin was taking his best fighters to kill Azog.

"Y/N, grab my hand!"

You heard Fíli shout as he road past you on a giant Ram. You grabbed his hand and swung round so you were sitting behind him.

"Let's finish this."

All the way up the mountain your stomach tied itself in knots worrying about the battle, and if this was the last time you would be with Fíli how to tell him you loved him.

"Fee I..."

"Fíli, Kíli, Y/N go search the area."

"Kee take the lower levels, we'll go up top."

You looked around but there was nothing, but then you heard it. Marching feet, an army of them.

"Fee! Fee what do we do?"

You were surrounded from all sides.

"Y/N stay calm."

But you couldn't speak or move from fear. He placed his hand on your cheek and kissed your lips. You leaned upwards into the kiss and tangled your hand in his beautiful golden hair.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Fíli."

As the orcs closed in, they were your last words to each other but they were the only words you ever wanted to hear.

Sorry for the sad ending 

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