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Líli's POV

Everyone from the line of Durin had a power which reflected the animal representing us. We could turn into wolves as and when we wished, once we came of age. The only trouble was keeping this from the company.

*after leaving the shire Bilbo caught up and was given a pony*

"Alright lads, and lass, pay up!"
Balin said after Bilbo had handed him the signed contract.

"Dwalin you owe me!"

I said shouting to Dwalin who was riding at the front with Thorin.
He just grumbled about being wrong and threw me a bag of coins.

"Hey sis looks like you've earned a lot, care to share."
Kíli said riding alongside me.

"Don't be ridiculous little brother, finders keepers losers weepers!"
I said riding off towards the front of the group.

As the light began to fade we slowed down and made camp outside of a broken house.

"What do you think happened?"
I asked as my two younger brothers came up behind me.

"I don't know, but I'm hoping its long gone."
Fíli said walking off with Kíli to look after the ponies.

I sat down next to Thorin and Dwalin as Bilbo passed around bowls of soup then went after Fíli and Kíli.

"Do you think we should tell them?"
I asked my uncle quietly hoping no one would hear us.

"Not yet Líli, when we have to we will, but if we don't then they don't have to know."
Thorin said going back to eating his soup and staring up at the moon.

All was calm until there was a howling coming from the woods.
I looked at Thorin as we both recognised it to be Kíli.
Fíli then ran into camp looking exhausted.

"Trolls, took the ponies, got Bilbo, help."

He said before almost collapsing into my arms.

"Is Kee okay? We heard him."
I asked supporting Fíli as he could hardly stand.

"He's okay he just wanted to alert you incase I didn't make it in time."
He said whilst his breathing evened out.

"Right, let's go save Bilbo then."
I said handing Fíli his twin swords as I unsheathed my own.

We ran to find the company slowly loosing against the trolls, so we jumped into battle with them. But troll skin is incredibly thick and it didn't look like our efforts were working.

"Drop your weapons, or we rip 'is arms off."
One of the trolls said whilst Bilbo was being stretched between two trolls right above the fire. We dropped our swords and axes and were suddenly scooped up and shoved into sacks.

"Oi Bert look at this one! I think it's a girl."

"I 'avent had a girl dwarf before, wonder if they taste nice?"

"Let me 'ave a taste boys."
The trolls argued whilst still holding me in an almost suffocating grip.
I tried struggling but I couldn't move at all.

"O look she's a feisty one ain't she."

"Unhand me right now or you'll pay.
I growled still struggling to get free.

"Missy you can't do anything, we should just eat 'er now boys?"

"I really wouldn't, she has...worms, in her tubes, in fact they all have.. Parasites yes huge nasty parasites!"
Bilbo squeaked from where another troll was holding him.

"I've got parasites as big as my arm!"
"Mine are the biggest parasites, I've got huge parasites."
The company started shouting, Kíli being the most keen at not being eaten by trolls.

"The dawn will take you all!"

"Who's he?"
"I do'no?"
"Can we eat him too?"
The trolls said before Gandalf split the rock in half causing the sunlight to hit the trolls turning them into stone, unfortunately also leaving me in a tight death grip of the now stone troll.

"Líli are you okay?"
Thorin shouted up to me.

"I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute, why don't you go see if there's a troll hoard?"
I shouted back down trying to get him to lead the company away so I could escape from the grip.

As soon as the last dwarf had turned around the corner I closed my eyes and pictured a wolf image, soon enough I had transformed and was able to climb out and jump down from the stone fist of the troll.

I looked around checking no one was there and changed back into a dwarf.

Heading back to the company I didn't see the Warg and its rider sneaking up on me until it was too late and it had grabbed me in its teeth.


I screamed before I felt a sharp blow to my head and all fell silent.

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