chapter three

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Cats pov:

"Luke, wait! I have your jacket!" Taking deep unsteady breaths from running after him. He places a hand on my shoulder, me looking up at him because of the foot and a half difference in our hight.

"Keep it. It looks better on you than it does on me." He reaches his hand to the back of my neck, leans in and plants a small tender kiss on my fourhead. "Goodnight, Cat."

"Goodnight, Luke" smiling like crazy I make my way back to the car and hop In the back seat. Butterflies fluttering.

Luke's pov:

I walk into Calum's home and lean with my back against the Closed front door.


"Lad, what just happened? You're grinning like you just met a playboy bunny" Cal jokes, not knowing Cat's way better than a playboy bunny. Shes beautiful. With those mystic blue-green-grey eyes, her long, soft, red hair, her amazing smile that could light up the darkest skies. When I fell asleep on her in the car, I noticed she smells like vanilla and sugar cookies. Hell, I only just met her today and she already has me in way too deep.

"Cat, man."

"Woah, Cat's a playboy bunny?" He's a Fucking idiot.

"No, you idiot! She's special. I need to impress her tomorrow." I emphasize. "I have no clue where I should take her or what she likes to do. Do you know of anything? Has Danielle mentioned anything about cat? I'm desperate." This is my only chance. I have to impress her or I might not get another chance.

"Well...there is one thing you can do...."

Cat's pov:

Unknown number: *so, I asked Calum for your last name. Hello, miss foster, how are you this evening?*

Me: *I'm great, a tall blonde dork asked me on a date and I have no clue what we're doing or what to wear.*

Hemmings: *haha too bad this dork wants it to be a surprise.*

Me: *Oh come on, please just give me a hint?* I hit send and wait eagerly for a response. Less than a minute later, my phone begins to buzz, the framiliar last name, Hemmings flashing across the screen.

"Hemmings, why are you calling me at four twentyeight in the morning?"

"Oh, well I was going to give you a hint but if you don't want me to..."

"No wait" I interrupt "please tell me."

"I'm not telling you where we're going or what we're doing, but wear something comfy." What is this kid planning?

"Okay. So I'll just wake up and not change clothes." I stifle a laugh and I can hear Luke chuckle on the other end of the call "I'm just kidding. I'm not a complete slob....all of the time."

"You're a cute slob." I laugh at his cheesy attempt of flirting and check the time.

"Luke, it's five in the morning. I'm never going to wake up tomorrow...or would it be today?" Not kidding. I will sleep until six pm.

"Yeah, it's today. But, I get to see you in 12 hours, I definitely need my beauty sleep, and I don't want you to over sleep and miss our date. So, Goodnight Foster, sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Hemmings."

A/N  sorry this is still a really short chapter, but anyways, I wanted to let you guys know that Audrey, or 'creative5sos' is also continuing her story 'serendipity' (which is the original to this spinoff) so definitely check that one out, she's an amazing author :)

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