Chapter eleven; runaway

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"today has been the absolute worst day of my life" I whimper to Ashton, laying my head down on his lap, wearing a pair of his sweats and a soft ACDC t-shirt as he caresses my hair sofltly.

*flashback to this morning*

Cat's p.o.v

Where in the hell are my black skinny jeans? Wait..wasnt luke... Oh. My. God.

"luke!" I yell down the stairs, loudly.

"what, babe" he asks from right behind me...whoops...

"those" I begin, pointing to the pants he's wearing, "are my skinny jeans." Luke looks down, realizing that I'm right his face begins to change to a deep shade of red.

"that would explain why they're so tight.." He jokes.

"I'm in love with a total dork!" I yell, jokingly. "here, would you like to borrow a bra?" I continue to tease him, throwing a red bra in his direction. "oh! What about a thong?" I laugh, flicking a black lace thong at him, catching it, he begins to examine the thin material.

"no, but damn this is sexy." He looks to me, biting his lip. "you're sexy." He continues seductively, walking towards me, picking me up and pinning me against the wall. I wrap my legs around his skinny torso out if instinct. Luke, leaving a trail of warm, wet kisses, starting from the corner if my mouth, down to my neck and to my collarbone before I stop him.

"luke, not now" I object as a breathy moan escapes my parted lips. "come on, seriously, were going to be late."

"to be continued then?" He half states, half asks with a smirk. He sets me down, gently and removes his, pants, tossing them at me. I set them on my bed and grab a pair of luke's sweat pants out of my bottom drawer. Putting them on, I roll them up so they aren't falling off of me.

"have I ever mentioned how cute you are when you wear my clothes?" Luke asks me, just after he puts on a pair of his own black skinny jeans.

"yepp" I respond, popping my 'p' at the end. "can you toss me my drawstring bag? I have swim tryouts after school today." I ask him. Opening my closet and reaching onto the top shelf, he pulls down a black Nike bag and tosses it at me. He then begins to dig through my drawers and pull out my speed suit, goggles, and swim cap. Tossing the items at me, then leaving the room only to return moments later with a towel to go in the bag. "thank you, hun" I say, grateful that I have such an amazing guy in my life.

"ill be in the car, come out when your ready." He says, giving me a kiss on the cheek, then leaving the room.

*later in the day; swim tryouts*

Standing in front of the locker room mirror, I examine myself in my favorite speed suit. Throwing my hair into a bun then snapping my swim cap on, I walk out to the pool, goggles in hand. Sitting on the bleachers next to the other returning swimmers, coach Reagan begins to speak.

"alright guys, welcome back." She begins. "you guys will have to do 4 sets of 50k of each stroke to even be considered for the team. You are all returning swimmers so we shouldn't have any issues. Last names A and B you're in lane one. C and D are in lane two E and F you're in lane three, and so on." She continues as me along with the other swimmers get up off the bleachers and line up behind each diving block. "okay, we'll start off easy. Back stroke will be first. Followed by freestyle, breast stroke, and end it all off with your best butterfly stroke." As the first set of swimmers prepare to dive off their boards, coach Reagan blows her whistle, signaling for them to dive in and begin with their backstroke.

After Dahlia Evans finishes her four sets of backstroke, she climbs out of the pool, signaling that it was my turn for backstroke. The whistle blows and instantly my world stands still. Everything around me is frozen. The only sound in the large room being my rapid heart beat and light breathing. I dive in, and swim about 25k under the water, only to break the surface beginning my backstroke. After my four sets are done, I get out and get back in line for lane three. Once again, I dived in, this time doing four sets of freestyle. And repeated the same process with breast stroke. Once standing on the diving block, preparing to go my butterfly stroke, I see a middle aged man walk through the large glass doors. He is tall and muscular and has jet black hair.Even though I haven't seen the man in twelve years, I immediately recognize him as my father. The whistle blows, and I can't move. My feet are frozen to the block. I can't hear anything. Not even my own thoughts. I feel as if everyone and everything around me is moving on, growing older and I'm just watching them go by without me. Once I bring myself back to reality, I jump off the block onto the wet tiled floor and run straight to the locker room, grabbing my phone, keys and wallet, I run out of the building, and to my car, leaving the rest of my things in my locker. Turning the key in the ignition, I take off not knowing where I'm going or what I'm doing until I find myself standing on Ashton's worn down front porch. Knocking on the wood of his front door, I peel off my swim cap and pull my hair down out of It's former bun state. As soon as he opens the door, I swing my arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder.

"cat? What is it?" I can tell he's worried. No one have ever seen me break down before, especially not like this. I have spent years building up a wall since my dad abandoned my mum and I. And all it took was one glance for it to all come crumbling down.

"m-ma-my dad" I try to say, hiccuping between soft sobs "he- he's b- ba- back" I choke out.

"come on inside, I'll get you some dry clothes." He says, sypethetically, as he leads me inside with his hand resting on the small of my back.

*end of flashback*

"hey Ashton" I look up at the sweet boy, comforting me.

"yes, cat?"

"thank you for being here. I don't know why I came to you, but I'm glad I did" I sit up, looking him in the eye.

"I am too" we just sit here, staring at each other, and with out thinking, I lean in, connecting our lips and closing the gap between us. Ashton instantly gives in, deepening the kiss as I climb onto him, straddling his torso, reminding me of what luke and I had done so many times before. Luke, oh my god. I instantly pull away from Ashton.

"I'm sorry, I am so, so sorry" I tell him, repeatedly before running out if the house and to my car, driving home.


Omg this chapter is so long. But cat's dad! Wtf no! Tell me what you think of this. Ily guys

Xo, Cat

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