For the Sake of Introductions

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I never expected to be standing at the barrier for Motionless in White, but here I am waiting patiently for the show to start surrounded by fan girls gushing some new gossip about the guys, and as much as I try to block it out I still catch bits and pieces of it.
"Yeah they broke up! How could she do that to poor Ricky?! He's such a sweet heart!" One girl rants to another.
"I heard she cheated on him." Another says
How the fuck do you hear these things? Were you there? Are you personal friends with either of them? Nope probably not, butt out booboo. I roll my eyes and hear a band shuffle cross the stage.
"Oh my god are you serious! But hey now's our chance!" The first girl giggles. And the second adjusts her bra so her boobs are practically at her chin.
"You two are like twelve, and besides I'm sure that if he just broke up with his girlfriend he's probably not interested in dating again for a while, but regardless butt out of his life," I say finally sick of hearing them gossip.
"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?" The second girl asks.
"Me I'm just a Motionless fan that actually respects the bands privacy" I say just before the sirens for Death March starts and for a while the girls shut up and watch the band play about half way through while Chris is talking introducing Puppets( the first snow) the second girl we'll call her Chin Boobs pulls her bra off and throws it at Ricky who steps back and let's it hit the stage, when he looks up to see where it came from the Chin boobs points at me and he looks so disappointed. The rest of the show though is amazing I held hands with Chris I caught Ricky's pick, and I high fived Balz. It was perfect. And now I'm hanging out waiting for my Über to pick me up an unlit cigarette hanging from my lips while I scroll through Twitter
"You know you shouldn't smoke," I hear an oddly familiar somewhat deep voice say and I look up from my phone.
"It's a metaphor," I chuckle quoting the fault in our stars, and they smile.
"I heard what you said earlier to those girls and I wanted to thank you, for sticking up for me" he says.
"Anytime" I say.
"For the sake of introductions, I'm Ricky Olson," he says.
"Salem," I say
"Salem? Like Salem Oregon?" He asks
"Like the Salem Witch Trials," I smile.
"Creepy," he smirks.
"That's one way to think of it."I say,"Salem Abigail Manson, no relation to Charles or Marilyn"
"Too bad, Marilyn not Charles," he laughs,"Marilyn a cool dude."
I smile. Why is he talking to me?
"I dunno Charles is pretty cool too," I say.
"You are already unlike anyone else I've met tonight," Ricky says,"you're so weird, but in the best way,"
I laugh,"if an obsession with Serial killers is a good way"
"Seduce me with your knowledge young one," he laughs and I light my cigarette.
"Are you sure you can handle it Olson?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Try me," he says.
"Someone once said that Charles Manson's mother sold him to a waitress for a pitcher of beer," I say," it's no wonder he became a serial killer"
"Are you just full of random facts?" He asks I nod,"interesting"
My phone rings and I look at the message from my über driver, they're here.
"Well it was nice chatting with you Ricky, but I have to get going," I smile before turning on my heel.
"Salem wait,"Ricky calls and I stop and look back at him.
"Yes," I say.
He looks nervous,"I've been out of the dating game for a while, so I suck at all of this, do you want to go out tomorrow? Like for coffee or something?"
"Sure," I say tossing my phone to him,"just text me and let me know when and where"
Ricky enters his number and walks my phone back to me," I'll see you tomorrow Salem,"
"Tomorrow" I smile putting my phone into my jacket pocket. I adjust the beanie on my head and go back to walking to my über sending Ricky a text so he has my number.
"We're not in wonderland anymore, Alice- Charles Manson" is what I sent him and I hear him chuckle when he gets it.

The drive, well ride is uneventful and I make back to my parents house and knock on the door waiting for someone  to answer it, I get a message from Ricky a screenshot of our conversation he changed my contact name to The Crucible⚰, and the message.
"Or would you prefer just Salem?"
"No that's perfect!" I text back as my dad opens the door.
"Salem! He's sleeping right now we can keep for the night of you want?" He says.
"It's been awhile since he's had a sleepover with you guys, just let me give him kisses and he's all yours" I smile and follow my dad inside and to Lucian's room away from his room. I open the door and see my perfect little monster curled up with his black fuzzy blanket and his sippy cup. I lean over the railing and kiss his forehead.
"Goodnight, Baby," I whisper before standing back up and going back out to the living room where my mom is watching Silent Hill.
"Did you have fun tonight?" She asks not looking away from the TV.
"Yeah, hey so I was invited out for coffee tomorrow do you mind watching him until I get back?" I ask.
"Of course not! We love our little creature" mom smiles.
My family has always been supportive, loving, and creepy as hell. Both houses are basically eternal Halloween, very dark, with a lovely comforting gothic design.
"Thanks mom! I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say kissing my mom's temple and my dad's cheek before making my way to my black 2016 Audi A6. A little present to myself after my divorce was final, I landing a great teaching job, and because my little old beat up Camry wasn't safe for a baby. I take the car seat out of the backseat and put it in my dad's Snow White Range Rover. I buckle it in and check my phone Ricky messaged me again.
"Good because I probably wasn't going to change it"
I smile, "Okay haha. Why did you save your name as Mr. Horror?"
He replies in seconds,"because I'm Ricky Horror remember? Just a creepy guy looking for his Horror Queen"
"Quoting your own band I see" I reply getting into my car.
"Only because it fit." He texts.
I roll my eyes,"I'm driving home now, don't think I'm ignoring you"
"Okay let me know you made it home safely" he replies making me smile. I back out of my parents drive way and head home it's about a fifteen minutes drive I pull up my winding drive way up to a neighborhood of Victorian style house and park in front of the one that looks as if it belongs in a horror film. I turn my car off and walk inside texting Ricky telling him I made it home.
"Okay, goodnight Salem, I'll see you in the morning for coffee. Get some sleep beautiful" he replies and I blush at the notion of someone calling me beautiful.
He's so precious.

More Than Paralyzed { Ricky "Horror" Olson }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora