Your Forever Is All That I Need

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Ricky spent the night, which isn't unusual, it's become a routine of ours, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I get up from my bed and gather clothes to change into after my shower, just my usual black skinny jeans and a t-shirt, today a black craft cult shirt and some vans, blood red ones. I walk to my bathroom and see a small white board propped against the door, with Ricky's god awful handwriting on it.
'Don't kill me, but I took Lucian out for Breakfast, after the day you had yesterday you deserve a little break. I'm not sure how late you planned on sleeping in but I drew you a bath, in your sick ass jacuzzi of a bathtub, take some time for yourself you deserve it Crucible,
PS. I used super hot water so fair warning if you happened to wake up right after Lucian and I left'
I smile, what did I do to deserve a best friend like him?
I take the white board down and open the bathroom door seeing the bathtub filled and still pretty steamy,  he used Lucian's bubble bath though so there's a bunch of bubbles everywhere and a black bath bomb sitting in the edge, along with some pumpkin spice candles spread around the room and a lighter.
It must be good to be his girlfriend holy shit. I light a few candles and strip before getting into the bathtub dropping in my black bath bomb, relaxing back against the side of the tub, it's almost like I can feel the stress just melting away. I needed this.


Lucian is the most well behaved two year old I have ever had to deal with, but I've known this for a while now, from sleepovers at my place with him. It's funny before I met Salem and got close to her I never wanted kids, now I look at Lucian and can't wait to have my own.
I watch Lucian pick up the pieces of his pancakes, he had me cut into smaller pieces for him, every other piece he dips in a small pool of syrup before eating it, and after so many bites he switches between pancake and the fruit that came on them; He's a cute kid.
"Icky?" Lucian says snapping me from my thoughts.
"Yeah little creature?" I say seeing him reaching for his cup, I scoot it closer to him until he can reach it himself.
"Tank you," he says i just nod and sip my coffee.
I want one.
"Are you almost done little man?" I ask him and he nods having eaten everything but two little pieces of his pancakes and one half of a strawberry. As I'm paying for Lucian's breakfast and my coffee my phone rings and I expect it to be Salem calling to check on Lucian, but it's Chris.
"What's up man?" I answer.
" are you coming over for the barbecue tonight?" He asks,"trying to get a head count"
"Yeah, and I'm bringing Crucible and Lucian," I say taking Lucian's out stretched hand as we walk to my car.
I went from "rockstar" to "Almost literal Dad" in a matter of weeks after I met the little tyke.
"Are you two banging yet?" Chris asks.
"What?" I ask laughing,
"Why not?" He asks,"you clearly like her and her kid"
"Because Chris they deserve someone who's gonna be there all the time to take care of them, and we tour for so many months out of the year it wouldn't be fair to either of them" I say as I buckle Lucian into his car seat.
"Ricky what are you doing right now?" Chris asks.
"Buckling Lucian into his car seat," I say handing Lucian his cup.
"What did you do earlier?" He asks.
"I took him out for breakfast so Salem could have some time for herself," I say.
"As long as you make it up to them when you get home I honestly don't think they'll mind."Chris says,"now grow some balls and ask Salem to be your girlfriend already because if you don't someone else will"
I roll my eyes even though he can't see it,"alright Chris I'll see what I can do, I gotta go I'll see you at five,"
"Alright later Brother," Chris says.
"Later," I say before having up I turn and look at Lucian in the backseat,"ready to go see momma?"
"Yes!" He cheers and I smile before turning back around and starting my car. On the drive back to Salem's house what Chris said replays in my head 'if you don't someone else will' and I feel the familiar feeling of heartbreak. She's not even my girlfriend and I'm scared to lose her, what if she does start seeing someone and they don't want her to be around me? What if she doesn't want to be around me? What if I completely screw this up? I don't think I've ever felt this deeply about someone before, but am I ready to date again?  All I know is I can't lose her, it would tear me apart. The thought alone of her being in someone else's arms at night kills me. I want to be the who gets to fall asleep next to her. To hold her on the days, and laugh with her on the good days, celebrate birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, any and every holiday with her.
And it was in that moment that I was pulling into her driveway seeing her sitting in the bay window, her hair in a messy bun with her glasses on, no makeup, sipping from a steaming black skull shaped coffee mug, while she reads, that I realized what she really means to me. How I really feel about her, and how badly I wanted to come home to that sight everyday. I've fallen for my best friend.
I park my car behind Salem's Audi and get out after shutting the car off, and get Lucian from the back seat and set him down on the ground he instantly runs to the front door and I jog to catch up with him, opening the door for him he runs and jumps into the window seat next to Salem curling up next to her and she begins reading to him, while I just stand in the doorway listening, watching.
"And as I looked at her I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I wanted to argue with her about where to eat, what to do on date nights, anything as long as it involved her. The girl of my dreams, the missing piece of the puzzle I call my life," Salem reads pulling Lucian into her blanket. God she's so perfect.
"Are you just going to stand there Mr. Horror?" She asks a smirk on those beautiful lips of hers.
"Maybe," I smile before moving to the couch.
"Thank you for this morning I really needed that," she smiles and I think my heart stops.
"You deserved it, no need to thank me," I shrug trying to pretend that my heart isn't racing. What have I allowed this woman to do to me?

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