Gotham Academy

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(A/N: Look I know that the last Chapter is short as hell. I only publish chapters that are 1000 above and 500 is my shortest... That is the last chapter. I'm running out of frickin' ideas)

Damian winced as you touched the wound on his waist, green electricity came out of your fingertip as you did. "I thought summoning weapons are your speacialty?" He asked.

You move your index finger slowly. "I'm full of surprises Wayne. I found out I have healing abilities when I scrap my knee and elbow when I first try driving a motor" You answered honestly.

Because of Damian's Stubborness. He was too busy taking down Bane and didn't noticed Two Face threw a bomb at him but thanks to you, you threw back the bomb by tennis style with your sword.

Riddler threw a batarang at Damian yet still, he was busy on Bane so you warned him and he dodged it... Not entirely

So that's why Damian got this wound. He lay on the sofa while you were busy on his wound. "I didn't expected this would happen to me" He grumbled as your finger raise up to his chest.

"My Advice, You should be careful aaand listen" You shrugged and he looked away. He never needed help or advices from anyone. He is fine by himself...

"It's been a week" You whispered but he heard it clearly.

"So it is. You... Did good" He looked away, avoiding your stare at his sudden softness.

"Done. Change your clothes and go take a rest immediately or else you will suffer body pain on the morning. Alfred will call me when you didn't do what you were told" You reminded him as you walked beside Damian to his room, You slung his arm around your shoulder and help him up to his room.

"Do shut up Queen. I can take care of myself" With that, You push away his arm and drop your grip on him. He fell down with a 'Ploph' Sound to the floor and he groaned along with glaring at you.

"What? You said you can take care of yourself right? It escaped from your own lips" You said like a innocent Five year old child.



'Hey Kiddo! Ready for you first day of school?'

'Dad. You know I'm in the car and you are acting like it's my first day of kinder garden'

'Aww. Don't be like that Sweetie. How's your job?'

'Eeeeh... It's okay. It's okay. Bruce have been so kind and friendly'

'Ooh. -Beeeeeeep!- Oops! Hey watch it or I'll rip you to pieces!.. Sorry about that Honey. Did you eat your breakfast?'

'Yep Dad. I better call you back or else one of us will be ending on a hospital bed.. Bye dad'

'Alright. Bye'

You huff as you are meters away from your school.

[I can sense you are nervous Renesmae] FIN's voice boomed the at the earpiece you had.

"Hooh. Dang right FIN. I mean, I don't know anyone on this school and I might get lost at how big this school is! I was home schooled back then"

[If you'll ask me, Just smile Renesmae]

"Yeah but I have you to guide me. That's why I had this earpiece with me" You tap the earpiece that was covered by your black beanie.

You adjust your skirt and snatched your bag on the passenger seat.

[My, My, The architecture is very impressive]

"FIN! Focus" You yelled-whispered and entered the School, students were giving you stares but you finished it with a deadly glare Artemis taught you.

They look away, afraid that you might have a death laser or something.

"I told you we will find her at the gate" Thank Arrows!

"Barbara!" You cheered as you saw Barbara and Dick walking to you. You slump at Dick's back and he almost fell when you did.

"Tired already?" Barb chuckled.

"Nope. I just got here fifty seconds and people already look like I'm a terrorist surrendering to the government"

"No worries. Me and Barbara will keep you in touch" Dick chuckled as you groaned.

"Oh goody. I'm going to see who's the best tour guide. Come on, I'm probably late on my Art Class"

"Wait. Art? That's Damian's first class. You and him have the same schedule?"

"Yep. It's my job right? I'm guarding him 24/7 starting today"

"Aww. Even at the bathroom break?"

"Tth" 0///0  You blushed as Dick said it. Barbara laughed with Dick and he pat your shoulder.

"Just kidding Y/n. Anyways, this is the 8th Grade Section. There will be forty student's on each room and of course, one Adviser"

"That's... Quitely a lot of students" You said surprised by the number.

"But on 9th Grade. It would be thirty students because half last year were kick-outs, drop-outs, some transfer to Central City and Metropolis" Barb explained as you nod to every word she said.

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