Im Coming Over

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*Over The Phone*
Lydia: Hey Stiles, What's Up?
Stiles: Hey, Have you left for Scott's yet?
Lydia: (Silence)
Stiles: Hello? You're coming right?
Lydia: About that...
Stiles: better be coming
Lydia: uhhhh
Stiles: REALLY LYDIA! You can't be serious?!
Lydia: Something just...came up
Stiles: Lydia you told me you would be coming! Were you lying?!
Lydia: Okay seriously you of all people should not be judging me about lying Mr. KingOfLying (laughing a little) and something came up anyway
Stiles: Oh really..(not believing her for a second) What came up?
Lydia: Something(she responded not knowing what to say) I-I'm going out- with people
Stiles: Okay seriously if you're going to start lying this much than at least be good at it
Lydia: (light gasp) What makes you think I'm lying!? And even if I was, is it like a necessity to take classes on how to lie now?!
Stiles: Lydia all of us are hanging out at Scott's tonight so who are you going to be hanging out with? Also if you want me to tutor you on lying so bad than you can just ask(laughing a little) that is if you tell me why you don't want to come tonight
Lydia: (gasps smiling) Are you trying to imply that I have no other friends besides you and the rest of the pack?! And Stiles I have a 4.0 GPA, perfect SAT scores and I even know when people are going to die, even though that's not something I do willingly I can still do it, so I'm pretty sure I don't need you to tutor me(laughing)
Stiles: Don't even act like you have other friends because you and me both know you don't, and Lydia Martin is that you appreciating your banshee abilities I hear(chuckling)
Lydia: (Laughs) Yeah It might just be, that is thanks to a certain overly sarcastic brunette dork (she said laughing a little)
Stiles: (Laughs) Really? Well glad I could help, now maybe you can help me?
Lydia: With what?
Stiles: Understanding why a certain 5 foot 3 strawberry blonde nerd would rather stay home on a Friday night alone instead of with all her friends?!
Lydia: (gasps) Stiles...
Stiles: Come on you still haven't told me why you don't want to go to Scotts tonight?
Lydia: Uh..So Are you excited for the new year of lacrosse?
Stiles: Lydia!
Lydia: Ugh I'm Sorry I'm Sorry
Stiles: You're coming to Scotts tonight, I don't care what you say
Lydia: Stiles come on seriously I don't feel like going and you can't make me
Stiles: Okay first of all, I can totally just pick you up, carry you into my jeep and drive you there myself and second, somethings up because lately you never want to go to Scotts or anyone's when we're all hanging out together, you have to tell me why
Lydia: Its- Um It's Nothing, I have just been- a little under the weather (fake coughs)
Stiles: Okay this is ridiculous Lydia I'm coming over, be  there in 10
Lydia: No Sti-
*Line Goes Dead*

(Author's Note)
So this is my first chapter of many and I know no one is reading this except for like 2 people but still if someone happens to read this and doesn't know me than I want you to know that I'm currently writing chapter 6 (I think) and I have 5 written but I haven't revised them but as soon as I do I will be posting more. Thanks and Hope You Like This 🙃

Stiles and Lydia: We Can't Be Together Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora