You Shouldnt Have Come

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*At Stiles House*
Stiles slipped on a white t-shirt, one of his plaid button ups that he had an oversized collection of, grabbed a hoodie and his keys just before he left his house to go pick up Lydia.

*Stiles POV*
Wait do I look okay? Ugh (I said playfully hitting myself in the head while rolling my eyes back) Im going to go see a bunch of my friends including my girlfriend and I didn't even think to see if I looked good. I've been worrying about Lydia not going to Scotts when I didn't even bother to think about myself when I'm going to the same place. I can't go back in now I'll just be wasting time and Lydia is expecting me, can't give her more of a reason not to go, what ever.

*Gets Into the Car*
Okay hoodie check, wallet check, and keys check. Guess I'm good to go, next stop Lydia's house.

*5 mins Into the Car Drive*

I wonder what's wrong with Lydia. She never had a problem hanging out all together before. I mean we had hung out all together Friday nights like 20 times before and she never complained, but I mean this is the first time in a long time that we've done it. Whatever it's probably just some dumb thing.

*Pulls Into Lydia's Driveway and Knocks on Door*
I had pulled into this same driveway about a million times before but every time no matter what, I would feel a slight flutter in my stomach like, well like butterflies and dispight some people hating this feeling I loved it and it was just the start of the butterflies that I get from being at Lydia's.

*ding ding* Scott Texted
Hey Where are you?
I replied I just left my house but I'm stoping by Lydia's
You're just stopping by?
What I can't stop by a friends house to help her with a problem ?
Stiles you and me both know that of all "friends" that you could be helping in the case of a situation Lydia should be the last one. Especially now that you're no longer a single man.
Oh come on Scott were not sophomores anymore I think I can control myself around Lydia
Okay If you say so but be smart and see you soon
Alright see you soon
*I hung up*

I got out my jeep leaving my button down behind because if I looked bad at least me wearing just a white t-shirt looks like I didn't try...which I didn't but still. Also it might get Lydia to not spend half an hour on getting ready like she always does, oh who am I kidding Lydia was going to take her time anyway.

Truthfully I didn't really mind having to wait for her to get ready because she lets me sit and watch which seems boring but I love having a reason to stare at her face for so long. WOW okay get it together Stiles you can't be doing this you have a girlfriend, a smart, hot , nice girlfriend who you are going to see in like 30 minutes (I said which lightly slapping both sides of my face)

Just as I did this I realized I had been standing at the front door of Lydia's house for the passed several minutes, so I reached up and knocked lightly on the door and in seconds the door came flying open.  It was Natalie and she was dressed in a skintight bright red dress.

Hey Ms.Martin I'm looking for Lydia(I said with a wide smile)
Oh Stiles, you've been here enough times to know you don't need to knock, just let me know you're here and head on up there (she said as she put on these shiny diamond earrings and gestured up the stairs)
Thanks Ms.Martin and If it's not to weird I'd like to say you are looking really pretty!
(Laughing a little she responded)Oh don't be silly that's not weird to say and Thank You Stiles
No Problem Ms.M (I said as I walked up the stairs two by two)

*Knocks on Lydia's Door*
Lydia? You in there?
*Opens Door* Stiles you shouldn't have come
Hello to you too! And why aren't you dressed?
Not that she didn't look great, Lydia Martin is one of the only girls who could be in an oversized t-shirt and have her hair up in a bun but still look good
Stiles (she said with a look I recognized from other times when we would have arguments and we both knew it wasn't going to end in my favor)
Lyds! Come on please! (I  said with a softened expression) If not for our friends than do it for me!
Uh (she opened her eyes in a shocked expression but couldn't help but laugh) Really Stiles, "Lyds"
What? That is my nickname for you isn't it? (I said knowing very well where this conversation was going)
Stiles you haven't used that nickname on me since, (she paused like she always does when she isn't sure about saying something) -since you and Malia started dating (after saying that I couldn't help but notice she just kept glancing at the floor)
There was a kind of quite pause and neither of us knew what to say than
*ring ring* I looked at my phone, Malia was calling but I declined
It's her isn't it?
Lyds plea- *ring ring* It was Malia again.

I looked up from my phone and Lydia had her back turned to me while she tried to make her self seem occupied by reorganizing  her perfume bottles, I'd seen her do it about a million times before but only when she had something on her mind. I didn't answer and the ringing continued but I just kept looking up at Lydia and down at the phone debating whether to answer or to stay

Stiles,  Lydia began while still turned with her back facing me, Just answer the phone and you know your way out afterwards

It was quiet again for a little and even the phone stopped ringing but I just kept staring at the back of Lydia's strawberry blonde hair tied up in a messy bun and just knew the only thing there was to say and coincidentally at that moment my phone started ringing again.

No I said while pressing down on the decline button.

I don't know why I said it but it was like my mouth had a mind of its own. I didn't even know what to say after I just knew I couldn't leave Lydia, something was wrong and I needed to be there for her.

Malia would definitely understand. Right?

Stiles and Lydia: We Can't Be Together Where stories live. Discover now