Everything is Fine

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At Scott's House
Oh! Oh! Come on! Scott! Duck!
*click click click*
That was all you heard from the room where they all sat and played video games
Go Go Go! I got your back!
Malia No way you can't take on all of Isaac's team! It's three against one!
You should listen to your teammate Malia, at least lose with some dignity
Oh Shut Up Isaac. Scott just go and I'll cover you

Malia loved playing these video games with the boys and loved winning even more

Can you guys finish soon, Lydia hasn't come yet and I don't want to just sit here watching you all virtually kill each other
Sorry Babe, here I'll stop playing
Come on!
Really Scott!
Oh Calm down guys the game was basically over anyway
*pew* *pew*
Ugh Really!
How did you take us both out?!
Sorry Mason but maybe next time you and Liam should pay more attention! Just Kidding I'm not sorry ( she said smiling a little) I kicked your asses!
Did you forget about someone Malia? (Isaacs said with a somewhat evil smirk)
Oh how could I forget about you? (She said as if she were speaking to a child)
*pew pew*
Oh come on how do you take down all three of us by yourself !?
Well next time you can just sit to the side and try to pick up on a few things, maybe that'll be easier don't you think (she said laughing)
Ha ha so funny Malia

*Malia's POV*
Hey I'm going to get some snacks from the kitchen, Allison you want to come with?
Yeah sure be right back babe (she turned to kiss Scott)

Ugh why were Allison and Scott always acting so lovey dovey. It's cute the first couple times but I mean seriously you're just going to get a snack and she had to kiss him and all. Wait is it weird that me and Stiles aren't like that? I should probably ask Allison. Wait, is it weird for me to ask that? Wait, where is stiles?

Hey Allison have you heard from Stiles?
No but didn't he say he was coming (she said with her back facing me as she raided the top cabinet for some snacks)
Yeah but I haven't heard from him since I saw him after school was over today
Well you should just call him and see where he is
You're right I'm going to go call him (I said while pulling out my phone and walking out of kitchen)
Wait! What about the- (I heard Allison starting to say something which was probably about the snacks but I didn't really bother to listen)

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
He wasn't answering

That's weird? Why isn't he answering? Maybe I'll just call again.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system 1-347-461-9634 is not available at the moment please leave a message after the beep *beep*"

Where is he? Is he okay? Should I be worried? You know I'm just going to call one more time. Wait is that like to much, do I seem like a stalker or something?

I'm new to the whole girlfriend thing and well more like the whole human thing and even though I already had a pack, a bunch of friends and a boyfriend I still don't fully know what is "normal" and what's not. One thing I do have is the ability to feel tomato red, burning hot face embarrassment which really sucks considering my circumstances which is why I'm so questionable about my actions.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*

Really still no answer? Where could he be? Okay I need to go to Allison and talk to her about it before I get worried. Yup that's what I'm doing not getting worried. Now where is Allison?

(I turned and started walking towards the kitchen where Allison was... With Scott)
He had his arms around her waist while she leaned on the counter and there lips touched about every five seconds just between smiles and laughs
*cough cough*
Oh Sorry (Scott said while leaning back from Allison)
Yeah I need to talk to Allison
Oh yeah so um you should go (Allison said to Scott while giggling lightly)
Yeah I'm going to...go (just as Scott started to leave the room Allison grabbed his arm and kissed him softly on the lips just once more)
(Scott laughed a little and than started to walk away)
(As Scott left Allison and I started talking)
So what did you want to talk about?
Well, I called Stiles... 3 times..and he didn't pick up. Should I be worried?
No. Well, No No, I don't think any things wrong he could just be taking a shower or driving here and he didn't want to pick up while driving
Yeah, Yeah you're right I shouldn't be worried
Yeah, now let's get back to the guys and you can beat them in some more video games
Yeah maybe this time it will actually be a challenge (I laughed lightly but no amount of video games could mask this unpleasant feeling I had growing in my mind that something was wrong)

I just kept thinking...

Everything is fine
Everything Is fine
Everything Is Fine.

Author's Note
Hey So I'm going to try posting every Monday at the very least sometimes if I post again it will be Wednesday or Thursday other wise school is starting soon and I don't know if I will be able to post soon but I'll try and if anyone really wants me to post at some point just comment or vote and if a lot of people show they want more than I'll try my hardest to give them what they want

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