Chapter 5

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"Lancelot!" A voice called out.

Lancelot turned and saw Daigo running toward him. It had been two weeks since Daigo had figured out who he was and he hadn't said anything to his brothers.

"I have news."
"What is it?"
"Since no one has seen any sign of the winged man, Serkad and Gedmin are talking about looking somewhere else."

Daigo, Lancelot and Gwaine all said 'the winged man' when they were in public, just in case anyone heard.

Lancelot sighed in relief; soon he could stop being so worried. The others had started to pick up on his strange behaviour, the way he was constantly on high alert.

"Daigo!" Gedmin shouted.
"Duty calls, I've got to go, I'll see you later," Daigo said quickly and ran back down the corridor.

Lancelot turned to continue walking, with the intent of training, but instead a hand clamped around his arm and pulled him into a small room. He was thrown against the wall and when he looked up from where he fell in heap on the floor, he saw Serkad.

"A knight, I never would've guessed. But then why would the king help us? Unless he doesn't know?"
"Don't act innocent! I know who you are! I know what you are!"

Lancelot could only tremble as Serkad dragged him off the floor and pinned him to the wall.

"Don't think you'll get away with leaving. I have plans for you." Serkad's voice was just above a whisper now, filled with menace.

Terrified and with no other obvious option, Lancelot fought back. He snapped his head forward, his forehead connecting forcefully with Serkad's at the same time as his heel dug into Serkad's boot. Serkad let out a yell and let go of Lancelot's wrists. In that second Lancelot ran as fast as he could out of the room. He thought to go to his chambers, but Serkad would no doubt check there.


Lancelot sprinted through the halls and burst into Gwaine's chambers, slamming the door behind him and gripping the wood as he panted.

"Lance? What's wrong!?" Gwaine asked when he saw his friend. He was breathing rapidly, shaking, tears were rolling down his cheeks and he looked overall petrified.

Lancelot let go of the door and fell into Gwaine's arms. He held onto Gwaine but was still trembling. He would've collapsed if Gwaine hadn't been almost carrying him to the bed.

"Serkad knows it's me!" He gasped out once he was on the bed, though Gwaine still had to steady him.
"What!? How!?"
"I don't know but he said I won't get away with leaving! That he has plans for me!"
"I don't care what plans he has, I won't let him do anything to you."
"He'll be looking for me right now! I don't want to go back!"
"Lance calm down, you won't have to go back."
"I'm not going to let him do anything to you and if he's looking for you then you'll just have to stay in here."

Lancelot was about to speak again but gasped and tensed as he heard someone running down the hall just outside the door. There were doors opening and closing, the sound slowly getting closer to Gwaine's chambers. He looked over at Gwaine, who signalled for him to hide. He jumped off the bed and laid behind it, out of view of the door. Lancelot's breath hitched when he heard the door being thrown open, just like all the others. He could hear talking. Serkad was telling Gwaine that 'the winged sorceror' was in the castle. Gwaine played along and ran out with Serkad to search the castle.


It was late that night by the time everyone had given up on finding the sorceror. Gwaine walked around his bed and found Lancelot sitting against the wall, his knees drawn up to his chest and his head down.

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