Chapter 11

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I'm going to attempt writing from a POV and in present tense and this is going to be so weird to write (usually I only write in third person and past tense) so hopefully it won't be too bad...

After writing: I don't really like this chapter but I'm keeping it for some reason.

*Daigo's POV*

It's been so long and Gwaine and Lancelot still won't do anything to start a relationship. Okay, it's only been a couple weeks, but that's not the point. I can't be the only one to have noticed those looks they always give each other, or the way they crave each other's company. Although, obliviousness does seem to be a common thing in Camelot, so maybe I am the only one...

Gwaine's already confessed, Lancelot obviously feels the same, so why can't anyone see it!? Even they have their doubts about what the other feels! Okay, enough. They need some help. Maybe it's not my place to do this, but it's for their own good.


I run through the castle. I'm going to be late for training. So unprofessional... even though I'm not a professional. I sprint out and see the knights just starting to leave the training field. Okay, good. I'm not late. Arthur sees me and gestures for me to go to him. Can't he just come over here? I just ran through the entire castle and that thing is not small.

I try to hide how out of breath I am and walk over. Just as I arrive, he swings his sword at me. I'm ready, since he does this every few days, but the force, along with my aching lungs, almost knocks me over. I jump back and get ready for another attack. He looks at me, as if he's not sure what to do, but I don't let my guard down. I did that once in one of my first lessons and it didn't end well. My back's still sore from that beating, but I learned my lesson. I will never let my guard down in a fight again. Finally, he lunges. I block blow after blow, but he's pushing me back with each hit. I need to do something or there's no way this fight is going to be anything but painful. There's no way I can win, but I could at least get a few hits in.

"As if you could ever win a fight."

Serkad's taunts echo through my head and Arthur takes my moment of distraction to trip me. I land hard on my back and Arthur looks concerned for some reason. Wait. Did he say something? He's speaking. What's he saying?


Gedmin's voice joins Serkad's and I have to hold back a groan. Can't they ever go away?

"Are you alright?" Finally I can hear Arthur. My head starts to clear and I let the regent prince help me up. He's suspicious. Okay, what can I do to make him... whatever the opposite of suspicious is?

He opens his mouth to speak again, but doesn't get the chance as I sweep one of legs around and into the back of his knees. He gasps as he loses his balance and I take my opportunity to swing my sword at him. He blocks the hit, but falls to the side. He tries to roll to get back up, but stops when he realises my sword is inches away from his chest. Still breathing heavily, I ask, "Do you yield sire?"

He looks at me, confused, but then smiles and nods.

"I yield."

My breath catches and I grin, Serkad and Gedmin's words almost forgotten. I won. I actually won. What is going on? Is this a dream?

"Have you been taking tips from Lancelot?" Arthur asks as he stands up.
"The first time Lancelot beat me, he pretended to be defeated, then tripped me."
"Well, I didn't know that. And I didn't pretend to be defeated. I actually tripped and I never yielded," I point out and he looks... proud?
"Well then, let's continue. Unless you're too good for my training now?"
"Never sire," I grin and the sparring continues, Arthur giving me tips every now and then.

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