Chapter 12

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Back to 3rd person, I cannot 1st person, it confuses my writing style

Gwaine risked a glance up at Lancelot. He was blushing and, before Gwaine could do anything, Lancelot pressed his lips to Gwaine's. Gwaine was too shocked to respond at first, but soon wrapped his arms around Lancelot's waist. He felt Lancelot's own arms around his neck and felt so much relief he almost wanted to cry.

The moment was ruined by Daigo slipping and falling from the tree. Hearing his cry as he lost his balance, the knights looked up and saw the boy they had started to think of as a younger brother fall. They both raced over and Lancelot's wings started to flap. He was lifted into the air, only just above the ground. Flying let him move faster and he made it to the base of the tree just in time to catch Daigo. Gwaine let out a sigh while Lancelot helped Daigo stand on shaky legs.

"What are you doing here?" Lancelot asked once Daigo was safely on the ground again.
"Did you throw those apples?" Gwaine asked.
"And you saw-" Lancelot started.
"Yes and it's about time," Daigo interrupted.
"Admit it, you've both been wanting to do that for a while."

The knights glanced at each other and blushed, but didn't deny it.



Gwaine and Lancelot held hands, their fingers entwined and small smiles on their faces as they walked back through the forest. Daigo followed behind with a grin. When they had almost reached the lower town, Gwaine and Lancelot stopped. Daigo kept going and waited by the edge of the trees. He could see his friends talking and Gwaine kissed Lancelot's forehead before they continued, no longer holding hands.

"You're not going to keep this a secret, are you?" Daigo asked, his heart sinking.
"We'll think about it," Lancelot replied.
"For now, don't tell anyone," Gwaine added.

Daigo sighed. "Fine."


The next few days went by normally. Daigo was beginning to lose hope that Gwaine and Lancelot would ever tell the others about their relationship, but he was glad they were at least together now. Training continued and the only difference in patrols was that there were less bandit attacks. Surprisingly, the other knights seemed to notice that Gwaine and Lancelot were closer than before, but didn't say much about it.

"You two argue like a married couple," Leon had mentioned jokingly once as the knights left training.

Gwaine had seemed to consider that option for a while.


"Please just tell them," Daigo begged for the tenth time that night.

He was laying across the end of Lancelot's bed, his head and legs hanging over the the edges of the mattress. Lancelot was sitting on the other end of the bed, leaning against the headboard. Gwaine was looking through shelves and humming to himself.

Gwaine didn't take any notice to Daigo's request and Lancelot rolled his eyes, having given up on responding seven pleases ago. Daigo groaned and sat up.

"What are you looking for Gwaine?" Lancelot asked.
"For what?"

Lancelot raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any more questions. Daigo looked between them, unimpressed, and flopped back down on the bed.

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