Chapter 1

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"I can still taste the ocean, like it was today", I groan as the sound of my alarm goes off. "Nooooo!", I scream into my pillow.

If there is one thing you should know about me is that I am NOT a morning person and I treasure my sleep, just like I treasure food.
If sleeping was a sport, I would be the best in the freaking world.

I decide to turn off my alarm and get dressed for another wonderful day off school, Yay!. *Note sarcasm*

It doesn't take me very long to get dressed, it's school and I have no one to impress. Key word being no one. I moved here seven years ago from South Africa when I was ten and made a friend called Carly. She was the 'bad girl' of the school and intimidated everyone either by her, black leather jacket, jet black hair and the hundreds of chains and chokers that she wore on her neck. She was the cliche bad girl but too me she was a heck of a friend. But then disaster struck when she accidentally set fire to the science teachers lab jacket with a Bunsen burner. It was an easy mistake and it was completely Mrs Mota's fault, she was thrashing her big  arms around Carly's table while shouting at Carly's old lab partner Noah Brodie. So because the Bunsen burner was on Carly's side of the table, she decided to blame Carly for what had happened.

So anyway Carly got expelled and instead of her parents sending her to another school they sent her to a military camp as it was 'the final straw',which is pretty drastic if you ask me. And off she went leaving me to survive the rechid place which is High School, alone.

I really wish it was Noah who got expelled that day and was sent to military camp. Where he spends the remainder of his days feeling horrible for everything he has done in his life, including making my life a total misery. So when he gets out off the military he comes to me begging for my forgiveness. And  because I am so nice, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and send him to work as my own personal butler.

As I lazily got ready for school, singing along with the angel who is Harry Styles to 'sign of the times' at the top of my lungs my bedroom door flung open revealing Noah Brodie, the devil himself.

What I didn't mention in my little rant that I went on ,about Noah being my butler, was that his parents and my parents were best friends and owned a business together, so he is around ALL THE TIME!. For most girls,Noah Brodie barging into their room every morning would be like Christmas but to me it's the total opposite. To me it's like stubbing your toe on a brick (too harsh?) because while he may act all flirtatious and sweet around other girls (because he wants to get into their pants),he plays pranks and is an  annoying prick around me!.

So anyway there he was smirking at my door.

"Thank god your okay, I thought someone was being killed because of all the noise", he said acting concerned.

"Some people call it noise, I call it singing"

"I can think of other words to call it rather than singing",he smirked

"What do you want!?", I exclaimed, getting annoyed at the fact he was still in my room and still talking to me.

"You,my little Harry Styles wannabe is getting a lift with me to school"

"Do I have to?,I would rather walk to be completely honest"

"And be late for school", he said knowing I would never want to be late for school.

"I have no other choice do I?", I sighed
"Nope", he replied popping the 'P', smirking triumphantly knowing he had won.

And that was the moment I knew that this was going to be a heck of a long day.

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