Chapter 6

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"Oh my god, I can't believe it", Elsa shreaked.

Noah had convinced me to go to a party that his friend, Jake McKnight, was throwing as it would be 'good for my social status'. I told him the only way that I was going is if I could invite Simon and Elsa because I did not want to be left alone when he ditches me to exchange saliva with god knows who.

So now here we are ,an hour until Noah said he would pick us up. Elsa is fangirling HARD over the thought of being within a meter radius of the football team ,so is Simon.

"You are NOT wearing that", Elsa said eye me up and down.
"Why not", I asked straightening my pink skater dress with big purple flowers on it. "I think it's cute".
"Yeah for a five year old", Simon laughed.
"Okay Anna Wintour, you pick my outfit". I gave up knowing that any outfit I would picked out would be considered as an outfit a 'nun would wear' or would make me look like a twelve year old.

"What about this little number", Elsa said pulling out a mini black slip dress.

I normal never wear stuff like this but I bought it was when I was going through..... let's call it a phase. About a year ago a foreign exchange student thought I was a boy on his first day, which was the only day I ever wore a hat to school. So for the next two months after that I never wore hats and I dressed like a btec hooker, until Noah and his minions started to slip me dollars during class and my mom told me that I should cover up. It's not a phase I like to talk about but hey, I made $15 and I have never wore a hat since.

"Ooo and these", Simon said holding up some black heels.
"Okay hold up, I can't wear heels to save my life, so that's a no and I will only wear the dress if I can wear my Vans", I reasoned.
"Ahh your beloved Vans, the bane of my life", Simon said rolling your eyes.
"Romee your a ballet dancer. How the hell can you not wear heels but you can stand on your tip toes all day?"
"I don't know. Funny how life works, it's like the Vans are meant for me", I said hugging my checkered Vans and grabbing the dress from Elsa.

An hour later we were all ready and Noah was outside impatiently honking his horn.

"Hey! shut up or you'll wake up the whole neighbourhood", I shout walking out the door.
"It's only 10pm shortcake and - Holy Shit. When did the boobs come in?", he said muttering the last part.
"Noah!", I tried to cover myself up feeling self conscious all of a sudden.
"I'm sorry, I mean they're...they're good, I mean I would", he spluttered hardly pulling a sentence together.

"It's okay Noah I get it. Isla is a babe. She's the only girl that would make me straight", Simon said kissing the top of my head. He always know how to comfort me.

"Excuse me?", Elsa exclaims defensively.
"Sorry frozen, but I'm into brunettes", he said winking at Noah getting into the car.
"That damn movie", Elsa sighed.
"It's okay Elle just let it go", I replied back smirking pulling her into the car.

"You ready?", Noah asked me as I put on my seat belt. He looked strangely nervous. "I should be asking you that, you okay?".

He looked at me, about to say something and then.......

"Come on bitches, there is a house of hot guys and beer five miles from here, you can fight later", Simon interrupted impatiently. I swear this boy is the definition of a horny teenager....... oh no wait, that would be Noah.

So with that being said we set of to a night of alcohol and other things..........

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