Chapter 2

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"Slow down!", I practically screamed
I was currently in Noah's car. He was driving me to school, like a complete lunatic, might I add.

It was 7:50 and school started at 8:00, Noah was speeding because if he was late again the coach would kick him off the football team.

Yes he is on the football team and yes he is the schools quarter back. Cliché, I know.

We were only five minutes away from the school but with the traffic it was going to take about 15 minutes.

"Shit shit shit shit", he muttered repetitively, speeding up.

"Noah Alexander Brodie,slow down the hell down or I swear....."
"Swear what?", he said interrupting me ,getting annoyed.
I didn't respond because I wasn't in the mood to fight and I could tell by the look on his face, he wasn't either.

I turned up the radio and Bruno Mars 'That's what I like' was playing. I sang the song quietly to myself, try to make the car journey less awkward.

"You actually like that"
"Of course, it's Bruno Mars! Everyone likes Bruno mars", I defended
"I don't"
" You don't like anything"
"I like football, I like beans,I like spaghetti, I like Ohio fried chicken..."
"Do not tell me you are a Jake Pauler"
"Oh for the love of God", I exclaimed, rolling me eyes.
" Its okay, I'll just dab on the haters", he said dabbing,

He dabbed....

"Who even dabs anymore?", I questioned.
"Jake Paulers", he replied with a wink.

This boy is just too much.

We finally made it to the school's carpark at 7:55 and ,with no time to waste, Noah bolted out of the car to get to practice leaving me alone in the car with the keys still on the ignition.

This was a regular occurrence. Someday I'm tempted to just leave the keys in the car to see what happens but I consider myself to be a nice person and plus I would never in a million years be able to pay him back if his car got stolen. So I got the keys and made my way into the dark depths of hell, also known as school.... * DUN Dun dun*.

Dedicated to HunnyBunnyLunnyFunny
😊 Now it's your turn!!
Your readers will thank me😊

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