Chapter 5

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It's been five days. Five days since I volunteered myself tutor the untutorable.

First thing: He has never read the Harry Potter books. During our first session he did everything he could to not talk about work, so he asked me random questions that he didn't care and one of them was 'what was my favourite book' and of course I replied 'Harry Potter'. He laughed and told me that they were terrible and then continued to call me Ron Weasley.

Second thing: At our second session we revised History and he thought that Kim Jong Yun didn't exist, that he was just a story to scare kids like the boogy monster. Of course I laughed an he got offended and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the time, so he just ate MY food and played table football. Hitting little paper footballs at my head.

That was it. I was done. I was going insane, so I told him that I had cramps and he left straight away. Now it's Friday night, three days after our last session and I have been avoiding his calls, avoiding him at school and I even hid in my closet when he came to the house looking for me last night. I thought I had escaped him until I hear the front door burst open from downstairs.
"Where is she?", I heard his voice echo through the house.
"Shit", I whispered running to my closet for safety. I know this is stupid but if I'm going to keep my sanity then I can't tutor him.

I hear heavy footsteps coming upstairs and then my door flys open to reveal a pissed off Noah Brodie.

If your wondering how he broke into my house, don't worry he hasn't. He's got a key, which is worse in my opinion because it can lead to stuff like this. His parents are originally from South Africa and have been friends with mine since they were kids. My family moved over to the states to set up an estate agents with his, so it's safe to say out families are pretty close.

"Romee, I know you are in here. It's a Friday night and you don't have any friends, so you can't be anywhere else", he says looking under my bed.

"I do have friends!", I shout offended.
"Shit", I said at the same time he opens the closet door.

"Cupcake I've missed you!", he says to enthusiastically for my liking,while lifting me out of the closet.
"Why have you been avoiding me?", he asks more seriously this time.

"Because you don't listen, you don't take me or my teaching seriously and-"
"Roe, you aren't a teacher, chill"

Now I was pissed, and I think it was evident as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm kidding", he spoke in a baby voice. As much as I secretly appreciated him trying to cheer me up, I was still pissed.

"I know what would make you feel better", he beamed.
"A Zac Efron movie marathon?", I asked, knowing that was not the answer but secretly hoping that the 7 year old, High School Musical loving boy was still in him.

"As much as I like 'bopping to the top',  I mean a party"
"You would pick a party over high school musical", I scoff.
"Even though seven year old me is screaming inside, yes I would"
"Well I wouldn't, so if you don't mind I am going to have a full concert in my room, guest starring me", I said ushering him out.
"Roe don't you want to live"
"Do I look like Edward Cullen? Of course I'm living", I said confused at his statement.
"Okay first of all, I have no idea who this fre-"
"Edward", I corrected.
"Not the point, but I mean don't you want to have fun?, like right now your playing it safe, your surviving. Don't you want to live, you know have fun, be popular?".
"Popularity isn't everything", I stated.
"You just haven't experienced it yet. I'll tell you what, I will put my heart and soul into school and I will take your tutoring seriously, only if I help you find Popularity".

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