Chapter 5: River'

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Zara's P.O.V

I wake up in the middle of the night around 2:00 AM. I sit up in my bed and notice Gigi laying right next to me. Her soft, breathing patterns tell me she's in a deep sleep. 

I get up slowly from the bed and walk out of the room, closing the door silently behind me. 

I spend my time looking through Kendall's files in effort to get to know her more. 

As I look, I notice that she's been involved with lots of animals. 

Including wolves. 

My serious glare turns into a halfway smile. 

7:30 AM

I quickly shuffle over to Cogsworth, who is already raising an eyebrow at me. 

"I need you to make Kendall's favorite dish and have a bunch of flowers on the table for her." I blurt. 

"I'll warn Ms. Potts right away, Prince." His smile becomes even brighter. 

I growl. "Don't push it"

He rolls his eyes and hurriedly runs into the kitchen. 

"You should go see if she's up.." Lumiere walks past me. 

"Oh, stop being so nosey."

"I can't help it!" He sings loudly before entering the kitchen. 

I walk upstairs and knock on Kendall's door. 

"Come in.." I hear her voice

I walk in, and she's trying to zip up the back of her crystal blue dress. 

She turns to face me and stares at me. 

"Oh.. it's you.." She softly says. 

"... Do you need .. help?" I ask. She nods and turns back around. 

I zip up her dress, and I stare at her bare back. My eyes trail up to her neck before stepping back and looking away. 

"I asked them to make your favorite meal downstairs." I blurt. 

"Which is?"

"Flatbread Margarita pizza" I say. She nods. 

"So... may I ask where you're going..?" I pace myself in her room, looking at my watch. 

"Oh... I'm meeting someone for brunch. My father wants me to meet this girl... since she was my childhood friend... but... he really wants to meet you.." She says, playing with her hands before looking up at me. 

"Me? "

"Yes... my parents were great supporters of your dad... they were very close to him.... but they didn't share much details with me.." She says. 

".... I can meet them.... whenever you want..." I say, looking out the window, avoiding eye contact. I clear my throat, and she laughs. 

"Would you like to come with me?... to morning Brunch?" She asks. 

I look at her and raise an eyebrow. 

"It's honestly fine.."

"I know it is.." I growl, and it's her turn to raise an eyebrow. 

"Well whatever. See you downstairs.." I say, and I leave her room. 


After she finishes her pizza, we walk outside to see the chauffeur and a limo. 

Taste For The Beast - A Kendall Jenner Fanfic(Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now