Just Stop Talking! (Sollux Oneshot)

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You walked along the beach, staying just by the waterline so the salty seawater cooled your feet. It had been a hot summer day, but the evening brought with it a pleasant breeze to ease the temperature to a more relaxing level. You focused on the ground as you walked, watching out for sharp shells, or any pretty ones you'd like to pick up. However, this particular spot scarcely hosted shells as it was, deeming your feet safe and pockets empty. With that, still, you were content.

You stopped walking as you heard a little ding on your mobile phone, removing it from your sylladex and flipping it open. It may have looked like a prehistoric dinosaur, but it was one of the greatest phones you have ever owned. As you saw it was Sollux who was pestering you, a smile stretched the corners of your lips. The troll had happened to grow on you, so you always felt a little happier when the two of you chatted.

--twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling lostDecisions [LD] at 19:30--

TA: hey (name), what are you doiing riight now?

LD: oh not much how about you

TA: tryiing two 2tare at the 2tar2, but ii cant 2ee a thiing from out here.

LD: did you try going to the park i know i seen the stars real well out there a few times i mean theres a possibilty they wont be out but still

TA: yeah, good iidea actually.

TA: do you miind comiing wiith me? you'd probably be able two fiind the be2t 2pot two 2ee them.

LD: oh um ok i guess ill be right there as soon as possible then

TA: alriight 2ee ya then.

LD: bye sollux ill see you when i get there or when you get there it really depends on which one of us makes it there first huh yeah i better get going so i can get there in good timing bye

--twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling lostDecisions [LD] at 19:48--

You put on your sandals, grabbed the sheet you had been laying on earlier, and ran towards the park. You hoped you didn't blow it with your blabbering. You had such a problem with your tendency to ramble, it even made it through to your texts. 'Ugh, talk about a major quirk. He'll probably just ask me to leave right away,' you thought to yourself. Though after letting out a sigh, you shook your head. You weren't being fair to yourself and you knew it; you just couldn't help it.

When you finally arrived at the park, Sollux was waiting for you at the entrance.

"There you are. I was half ecthpecting you not to show up you were taking tho long," he said with his oh-so-cute lisp as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh um, sorry. I tried to get here as fast as I could. I don't know why I didn't get here sooner; I'm sorry," you replied quickly, nearly stumbling over your words.

"Yeah whatever. Don't be thorry. Just show me where to look at the thtarth before I mith it. They don't thtay out forever."

"O-oh, yes, right. Got it," you stammered. You began leading the way to a hill you used to sit on every time you came here. Once there, you laid the large blanket upon it to be more comfortable for when you sat down. As you spread the cloth out over the grass, Sollux's gaze never left your figure. After you were sure it covered all the area it could, the two of you sat down.

The night was silent for a moment as the two of you watched the sky, though as the quiet dragged on, you began to fidget and grow anxious, until you could stand it no longer, finally speaking up.

"Um, I'm sorry. I never asked if it was okay for me to stay here and watch with you. I mean, I was assuming and I feel kind bad for it because if you wouldn't wa- mff!" Your on-going babbling was interrupted as Sollux pressed his lips against yours in a gentle kiss. As your brain tried to process this, you sat there in shocked silence.

"Hm. I knew that would get you to shut up," Sollux remarked with a satisfied grin. You smiled and blushed, unsure at first of whether it was for his feelings or if it was to get you to just stop talking. Though seeing his definite blush under the dim light of the moon gave it all away. This night would begin the best moments of your life, you just knew it.

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