It Still Hurt? (Mituna One-shot)

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"Oh come on!" your old time friend Mituna urged.

"Okay, okay, fine," you laughed. He was trying to teach you how to do one of his favorite things: skateboarding. You were excited, but also a bit nervous. It seemed pretty difficult to flip, perform all those other fancy tricks, and meanwhile stay on the board. To add onto this, Mituna was very talented at skateboarding, he just fell... a lot.

"Yesh!" Mituna cheered ecstatically. "Now, first, set one foot on the board, and one on the ground." You did as he said, and he continued. "Then, jusht use the one on the ground to push yourself forward and get moving!"

You nodded and hesitantly began using the foot you had placed on the ground to accelerate yourself. You started out slow, and each time you felt comfortable with your current speed, you'd go faster. You began getting the hang of it, and went into your own little thought zone as you skated around.

"That'sh it!" Mituna grinned from the side-lines. A faint blush crept up on your cheeks as you remembered he was watching. When you were little, you wouldn't have minded at all, but a few years ago, you began developing feelings for him. Now it was a full-blown redrom crush. You began smirking as you recalled childhood memories of the two of you.

"Watch out!" Mituna called. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked around just as one of the wheels hit a stone, which sent you tumbling to the ground. You cringed as your face hit the asphalt, a searing pain spreading through your nose, chin, and lower lip. Mituna rushed over to you quickly, offering a hand to help you sit up. You sat up, but didn't go to standing.

"Maybe you should wear this next time. You're all scraped up!" He said, taking off his helmet and laying it down. His hair was a bit messy, and it still covered his eyes, but he still had the adorable quality to him, even more so if anything.You hung your head and blushed a deep [bl/c] shade as he gazed at the wounds on your face. You could be such a ditz sometimes...

".... [name], look at me a second. You're bleeding," Mituna spoke. His voice sounded a bit worried, but also stern, which was something you hadn't heard from him before. You looked up at him immediately. He stared a moment, then leaned over, licking the blood off your lower lip. Your eyes widened, but you couldn't find it in you to push him away. He pulled away smirking, and you blushed profusely.

"There. That's better," he smiled. "....Does it still hurt?" he grinned, noting your surprised look. Before you could reply, he pulled you on top of him and began kissing you deeply. This earned a few hoots and wolf whistles from the other skaters, but the two of you ignored them. You smiled to yourself. It didn't hurt anymore, but you sure weren't telling him that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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