A Little Strange (Dave One-shot)

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People thought you were weird, shy, or even self-absorbed to some. You never talked, always using sign language if you had to communicate, which was just answering teachers. If anyone else talked to you, you ignored them, or shooed them off.... except him, but that's another topic. Everyone knew you could hear. They also knew you could talk. There have been a few times when you shouted in pain whilst tripping down the stairs. Many people thought you a bit autistic, but they all kept their thoughts to themselves. 

It wasn't a brain issue you had at all. It was something to do with your mouth. Your tongue to be specific. Even more detailed, tongues. Yeah, plural. You had two of them, right next to each other. It was a weird mutation you were born with, and had kept hidden from everyone but your parents. They got someone to teach you sign language, knowing terrible things might happen if anyone found out. You were grateful for that. You'd rather be thought of as the weird, autistic girl than... you couldn't think on that. change of subject.

The day someone else found out... you were surprised how much it didn't bother you. Here's what happened. You were rushing through the hallway through your usual route to math. It was fourth period, and you were waiting patiently for the rest of the day to be done. You hated being here at school, in public, where you had to be silent. Home was where you could use your voice, open your mouth. You wanted to be there. Especially after what happened next.

You didn't notice the book lying on the floor. You stepped on it and as you moved your foot back, the book slid, making you trip. You accidentally caught the person in front of you, taking them down to the ground with you. The two of you quickly got up, and you started signing a quick apology, but it was no use. This was one of the most bitter preps in the school. She was all flame, and you were no exception to the burning. 

"What the hell you fucking freak?!" she yelled coldly, attracting lots of unwanted attention. She slapped your supplies out of your arms. Widening your eyes, you bent to pick it up, but she kicked you in the side before you could. You fell to the ground with a thud. "Listen you fucking creepshow, I don't care about your mental disabilities, you don't fucking mess with me!"

She started kicking you more, and you sat there taking it, nothing more you could do. You wanted to fight back, but she was relentless. The crowd of students stood watching, except for one, who stepped out of the mob and spoke up.

"Jess, she didn't mean to," a male voice sighed. You knew that voice. It was Dave. Fucking. Strider. He was the most popular boy in your school without even trying to be. It was a little weird to everyone that he always wore shades, especially since it was against school policy, but him getting away with it just added to his popularity. He was very relaxed, cool, and in your mind, hot.

"What the hell are you talking about? This bitch grabbed me and shoved me on the ground!"

"She tripped," he replied with a frown, holding up the book that had caused this. Jess stared at him for a minute, and went back to her aimless yelling and maiming of you. Dave's frown stretched wider, him watching for a second before grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her away from you. "That's enough," he declared, tone more stern than before. He picked up your stuff and handed it to you. "Let's go, (name)." He pulled you up and lead you out of the school, somehow not even being noticed. 

"You okay?" he finally asked around five minutes later. You signed back, 'Yes. Thank you for back there.' "I don't mean to pry, but I know you can talk. Why don't you?" You stepped onto your door step and unlocked the door. You were going to go in, but you turned around, feeling his gaze through his shades. After what just happened, it was enough to break you. You began to silently cry into your hands. 'I really am a freak..,' you thought to yourself.

"Oh shit-... shhhhhh...." Dave lead you into the living room and onto the couch. He made sure to close the door, then returned to your side, wrapping a comforting arm around you. "You don't have to tell me. It's all cool." He wanted you to tell him though. He was curious, so he decided to do something about it. He planted a quick peck of a kiss on your nose. Just like he wanted, you gasped lightly. That's when he saw them.

Your eyes widened as you realized what happened. You clapped your hands over your mouth, fearful. He just smiled. He smiled?

"Listen, it's not that weird," the boy chuckled, removing his sunglasses. Under them were fiery red eyes. He... he had a mutation too? You found yourself smiling back. You weren't alone. Impulsively, you hugged him.

"Thank you," you whispered through more tears. These ones were happy.

"Yep. We'll stick together, you and me. You know why? 'Cuz we're both just a little strange."

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