Music (Sollux One-shot)

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'Ugh, what a dick,' you thought as you slammed the door behind you. You had just returned from the ice cream shop, where you had ran into Karkat. He was in an especially cranky mood today, which landed the two of you in an ugly spat by the end. 'He's so insufferable sometimes!' you thought as you flopped onto your bed. You reached over to your nightstand, which was next to the head-side of your bed, and opened the drawer. From it, you withdrew your favorite items: your iPod and earbuds.

You fit the earbuds in your ears and began scrolling through the songs on your iPod's music library. There was a pretty big selection to pick from since you spent most of your extra money on downloading music. Music was your one escape from all the bad, negative parts of your days. You loved music, every kind; no genre was considered a favorite, nor were any your least favorite. To cancel things out, however, you usually listened to whatever style matched your mood. Right now, you were going through the 'rock and metal' section. It fit your angry, aggravated emotion. 

You found the song you were looking for, Hero by Skillet, and pressed play. You put the iPod next to you and laid there, waiting for the first beats... but they never came. You looked at the iPod screen after a bit of waiting. It was already half-way through, and no sound had penetrated your wanting ears. Frustrated, you got up and threw your earbuds into the small trash can on the other side of the room.

A half-hour later you returned home with new earbuds, which you had taken the time to go get from your local RadioShack. A sigh escaped between your lips as you again laid on your bed and tried to listen to the song. But once more, no sound came through. 'What the fuck?' you thought in annoyance. You groaned and trudged to your computer, deciding to ask your techy friend Sollux what to do. You didn't really know what he could do for you besides tell you to get another pair again, but talking to him always made you feel a little less upset.

-- rhythmicFantasia [RF] began pestering twinArmageddons [TA] at 15:32 --

RF: Hey Sol I got @ problem..

TA: 2up?

RF: I c@n't listen to my music @nd I'm re@lly frustr@ted @bout it.

TA: and why can't you lii2ten two your mu2iic?

RF: My e@rbuds broke, @nd I got new ones, but they don't work either.

TA: 2o you expect me two do 2omethiing about iit?

RF: Well, there isn't much you C@N do is there? So not re@lly. 

TA: ii miight be able two do 2omethiing. ii'll be there iin a biit.

RF: @lright then. Th@nks.

TA: no problem.

-- rhythmicFantasia [RF] ceased pestering twinArmageddons [TA] at 15:37 --

It was about fifteen minutes until a knock sounded against your door. You stopped fidgeting with your stupid earbuds, peeked through the peep hole, and opened it. Sollux stepped in without even saying hi, and walked straight to your iPod. He picked it up and tested it, trying to detect the problem. You watched him curiously as he walked over to your computer, plugging the earbuds into that, and listening to an audio file he opened.

"It wathn't the earbudth," he said looking up. He then took the earbuds out and let you listen. Sure enough, you could hear every sound of the loud file clearly. You took them out and looked back at him quizzically.

"Then what the hell..?"

"It mutht be your iPod. Only ecthplanation," he replied, going back to messing with the device. For more than half an hour you watched him work with it, opening it and fussing with all sorts of parts you didn't recognize. Finally, he put the iPod back together, popping the earbuds back in his ears and testing it again. 

"Good ath new," he practically chirped, happy with his accomplishment. "The chip that helpth tranthmit thound wath fried, though I'm not completely sure how that happened." He then offered one of the buds to you. You sat next to him on the bed and put the bud in your ear. There was your song, playing better than you have ever heard it play before. You could hear every little detail, some you never even knew existed before. You went to thank him, but he placed a finger to your mouth and pointed to the bud in his ear. You were a bit shocked at first, but nodded and listened.

The two of you laid on the bed, the beat of the music calming your senses, which were tense at first. The wires for each bud weren't very long, so you had to sit pretty close together to share the listening experience. You blushed when the two of your hands drifted to each others, but neither of you made a move to pull them apart. His hand was surprisingly soft and warm, and its hold on yours fit perfectly. You spent hours just laying together like this, and as it got cold you moved closer together. The body heat comforted you, and eventually you both fell asleep.

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