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You gulped. 'maybe it will be okay...' you thought and you got out the camera app on your phone. You took a couple of pictures and picked out one. In the one you chose to send to him, you made a peace sign and pressed it against your cheeks, and you had a large smile.

You sent it.

 " You look familiar..." Mark sent you. Your heart beat faster.

 " I do?" You typed nervously. 

" Yeah, you do. Anyway... do you wanna meet up?" 

You dropped your phone onto your bed. 

"WHAT!?" you yelled out loud. You were going to meet THE Markiplier! You jumped happily and sent him a quick "ok" before jumping around.

-time Skippy to the next day -

You woke up and remembered, you were going to meet Mark!

 He had told you that he could meet you on Wednesday or Thursday next week. You both had to discuss what time you both wanted to meet, and where. 

You smiled lightly and laughed. 'im a huge fangirl aren't I?' you asked yourself. 

You went to your bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror and fixed your hair. "Great." You said to yourself. " Now, to wait a week." You smiled and laughed. You then went into your room to put on some clothes.

-time skip to next week-


There he was. Just standing there, caressing your cheek. You softly smiled and he kissed your cheek. This felt normal for you. You both knew you guys belonged. You leaned in and so did he. You immediately stopped and stepped back a few steps.

'What am I doing?' You think. You knew this was a dream but, you didn't want it to end. Ever...

"Y/n.. come here." He whispered, kind of demanding you.

"....." You were silent.

"Y/n. Now." He waited for you to listen to his commands. You continued to step back.

"No... This isn't real.." You said. 'Why am I ignoring Mark?' You think.

"Of course it's real, sweets. Now, get over here, now!" He yelled. You stood frozen in your place. "We're real. Y/n. Come. Now"

"Yes, Mark." You said as you gave in.

"Good.. good. Y/n. You don't understand, do you?" He questioned you. Of course, you understood. You liked him and you were having a dream about him. What else is there to not understand? But, you shook your head.

"Y/n... I... I think I love you..." He said leaning in.

-end of the dream-

Your eyes opened rather quickly. 

Mark didn't love you. Your mind wants it, but, he doesn't. You felt your forehead and saw you were sweating. You threw off your covers to the other side of your bed and got up into an outfit.(outfit above)

 You thought you looked... Looked decent. You shrugged off and went into the bathroom to get ready.

-a few hours later-

You were absolutely positive you were ready for this 'date' with Markiplier. I mean, Mark.

buzz buzz

Your phone went off. It was Mark.

M- Hey! You ready for the meetup?(:

You- Sure am.

M- hmm. Where do you live? We do live in the same state anyway.

You- yeah. Haha, my address is (address name).

M- Well sweet! You live just down the road.

You blushed as you saw the text. 'Sweet~' You thought.

You- Okay. I'll get some money to help pay. When are you coming?

M- Is 5:20 pm okay? And, no, it's my treat.

You looked at the time. It was 5:10 pm.

You- yeah sure! But, I'm chipping in too.

You didn't get a text back so, you just ignored it.

-10 minutes later-

Honk Honk

You heard the sound come from outside. 

You instantly knew it was Mark because you saw his car outside of your window and him waving to you. You knew that this was gonna be the best date you had. You had to try. You were gonna make sure it was the best. 

You grabbed your purse and headed outside. Little did you know as you were walking to Mark, you forgot to lock your doors.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter.^~^ I will see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

Online Lover (Markiplier X Reader) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now