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As Mark drove you and him to Starbucks to talk, it hit you. You forgot to lock your house doors.

"Shit!" You thought but really said out loud. Mark just stared at you in confusion.

"What y/n?" He looked at you often but, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oh, um, nothing," You said. You couldn't tell him because then he'd wanna turn around but, you REALLY wanna talk to him.

"You sure?"

You nodded your head and he just sighed.

-time skip to when you reach Starbuck's-

You finally reach Starbuck's. Mark parks his car in an empty spot. (NAW I thought you were gonna park on top of a car! XD) You opened your door, and Mark did the same. You both walked towards the door and he held the door open for you.

"Ladies first." He said.

"What a gentleman." You said, smiling. As you walked in you saw that it was almost empty except for a few people here and there. You went up to the counter and ordered an F/S/D. (Favourite Starbucks' Drink) The cashier nodded and you waited paid the cashier. Then, waited for Mark to order. When he finished ordering and paying for his drink, you guys both sat at a two-sided table. You waited patiently for the drinks to come.

-the drinks come-

You saw your name on the cup and Mark's name on his. As soon as you were about to drink your phone goes off.

bzzz bzzz

Your phone vibrates. You press the power button and see a notification saying from your home security.

'Hello, Customer. It appears your alarm is going off. If it's you, or not, reply ASAP.'

You quickly go to the messaging center, totally forgetting about Mark.

You quickly replied how you would, then stood up.

" I NEED to go home. NOW." You said, running out of the Starbucks, followed by Mark. You both got in his car.

" What happened?" He asked.

" Someone broke into my house." You mumbled.

-time skip to when you guys arrive at your house-

You both arrived at your home. You ran up to your front door and threw it open to see a lot of things gone.

" I was too late." You whispered, then mentally facepalmed. Mark walked up beside you.

" I don't know if I can pay for everything I lost." You mumbled, looking at the trashed house. You looked at Mark.

" I guess the meetup's done now, huh?" You asked. Mark shrugged.

" It doesn't have to be, and, I could help you p-"

" No." You interrupted him. " It's my stuff, you aren't helping pay." You said stubbornly.

" Fine then." Mark sighed. " Well... see you later?" He asked.

" See you later." You replied. Before you went back to your house, Mark kissed your forehead.

" If you can't afford the things, I can always help." He said. You quickly nodded and went inside your house.

" Wait..." you whispered. " MARKIPLIER JUST KISSED MY FOREHEAD!" You yelled out, squealing like the fangirl you were.


Hey-o! Sorry this chapter was late. If you can find it in your heart to forgive us, that'll be wonderful and I'll (leafiplier) will love you for eternity. Now, if you haven't, comment, vote, follow me and SepticplierFangirl7 that'd be great. Have a good rest of the mornin' or whatever and make sure to sleep. Buh-bye!

Online Lover (Markiplier X Reader) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now