Chapter 1

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 Adrien's P.O.V

I slowly walk up to my house, the lights are still off and the house looms in silence. I punch in the code and the gate slowly opens. [This is really strange.] 

"Not going to lie, Plagg, I'd feel a whole lot better going in there as Chat than I would Adrien..."

"In your dreams kid. I've been longing for cheese for hours! That takes a toll on a cat ya know." Plagg tells me.

"Alright. Cheese first." 

I swallow nervously and slowly walk up to the front door. [I don't feel good about this...I'll enter the house somewhere less obvious.] I walk around the side of the house.

"Oh no. Where are you going? You are forgetting my-" 

"For the last time Plagg, I'm not starving you!" I found one of the big kitchen windows and cracked it open. It squeaks, and I freeze in terror. After a moment, I climb inside. [I'll just leave the window open so it won't squeak again. I'm not going to risk turning on any lights either.] I made my way to the fridge and pulled out stacks of Camembert cheese. I dropped them in my bag and Plagg tucked in enthralled. I shut the fridge and walk out into the entry way of the home. The rain drops outside create unusual shadows all across the massive staircase. [Just make it to your room. You're ok!] 

I climb the stairs in haste and run to my room. I slam the door behind me and lean against it panting.

 "Di....Did it!" I walked forward into my room towards my bed, but something stops me dead in his tracks. There, along my massive windows, written in an unknown dark, rich substance, was a message. I freeze, unable to scream. Scrawled across my windows was:

I found you kitty. Let's play a little game of cat and mouse...

 I subconsciously back up in terror, banging into my desk behind me. My shaking hands accidentally hit the keyboard and the stark light - illuminating my mother's picture - fills the room. I hear a struggle going on above my head by my book cases.

"RUN ADRIEN!!!!! RUN!!!" [Nathalie?!] Nathalie let's out a bloodcurdling scream and it brings me to my senses. I run out of the room and shut the door behind me. Not looking back, I run down the stairs and straight into the kitchen. I hop out the window then slam it shut. I run to the front gate, but it's locked. [What do I do?!] 

"This is an emergency. Plagg, CLAWS OUT!!!" I extend my staff and sit on top of it as it rises into the air. I leap and land on the posts of the gate. The staff resizes and the rain drops begin soaking my suit. I look back towards my room. The picture of my mother still illuminates the room. Just as I begins to scan the area for any trace of Nathalie, a figure blocks the light from my computer screen and I cry out in surprise. 

"Hey! There he is!!"

Marinette's P.O.V.

I look towards where Tikki is resting, she has finally woken up after a long nap, she rubs her eyes and stares at me. 

"I feel more refreshed after that nap. Let's see if I can work my lucky charm now." Tikki yawns.

"Okay, Tikki! Spots on! Okay, well so far I'm feeling good, I don't want to fall asleep as I walk anymore, lets test out lucky charm. " I throw my yo-yo in the air. "LUCKY CHARM!"

 A letter appears in thin air and floats down into my hand.

"What? What am I supposed to use this for? It says it's for Chat... Well I guess I have to use it, but I don't know what it is supposed to do." I tap my foot and think for a bit. [I'll call him before I send this letter.] I pull out my yo-yo again and dial Chat's number. "No answer." [Maybe he's not in his suit right now. But he has to be, otherwise it wouldn't even let me call him. I should see if he's okay.] 

Can You Keep A Secret? A Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now