Chapter 4

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Marinette's P.O.V.

I wake up from sobbing noises, and I find Chat with his head in his hands.

"Oh. Hi Ladybug..." He smiled through tears. Then he looks away, like he's fighting a decision. He looks back up at her, "Look, Plagg told me it was you Marinette..." My jaw drops.

"D-Did i really though? Because I don't remember telling him..." Plagg says defensively, then he quickly flies out of the room in a hurry.

"H-he said he wouldn't tell you..." [Ugh, I'm going to kill Plagg. Wait--is he crying because he knows I'm Marinette?]  I look down in shame.

"It's.. it's okay Marinette. I - I have to tell you something."

"L-Look, I know i'm probably not the person you were expected, and I'm sorry, but can we still be partners? Because-" I start to shake from nerves.

"Marinette, you are perfect, and I - I love you, whether Marinette or Ladybug."

"W-wait, what? No, I can't.. I'm confused, chat, what's going on?"

"I told you, I love you," He takes my hand quickly and kisses me, so fast I can't even see who he really is. The kiss is soft at first, but then it gets deeper. I can feel his face, wet from tears still. [I... I can't do that to Adrien, I can't just forget my feelings for him all in a night. I-I still love him. Even if Chat loves me.] I pull away, my eyes closed.

"C-chat, wait." I stutter.

 "You love someone else, don't you?" I look at him, and he looks so sad. "I wish I was good enough for you, at least give me a chance. Look at me, see who I really am, see who I really am under the mask. Please, I'm begging you."

"C-chat, I can't. I -"

"I know you at least want to try. Just, give me that chance." He starts sniffing like he's crying. [I-i'm breaking him, he doesn't deserve me.]

"Chat, I'm sorry. But I can't do this right now, we are trying to get away from people that are trying to kill you right now, and we can't-- "

"Stop," He says gently, "STOP..." His voice rises and his voice is broken. "I love you, can't you see that? Just open your eyes. Please!" He leans in and kisses me again. [What is he doing??] In shock, my eyes open, wide... But when he leans back. It's Chat... still wearing his mask. 

"Look, j-just give me some time, and maybe I can grow strong feeli-" I start, but he inturrupts.

"You should've just loved me, that's all I ever wanted." He starts sinking to the ground. Blood starts pouring out from his body, there are stab wounds all over his body, but no weapons. 

"I - I love you M-M'lady." he gasps. "Reme-member that... For-for me..." his eyes close slowly. 

"CHAT, NO! PLEASE, STAY WITH ME! IM SORRY," I scream at him, hoping that that will bring him back. [I could've loved him. Thats all he wanted. I, I love him.]"I... I... I love you." I whisper to him. 

Tears are streaming down my face now. My face is so wet, I feel like someone dumped water all over me. My eyes are so watery, I can only see faded shapes. My heart is so empty, I feel like a black hole ate it up. A black hole that feeds off desperation and sadness, a black hole that's so dark that I can become blind from a mere second of seeing and feeling it. It's a black hole that seems never ending, that there's no hope left. It makes me want to fall down and let the black hole beast devour me whole. I can't hear anything, everything is tuned out, but it doesn't matter, he's gone, on of my best friends, and the person I love, is gone. But, I can't leave him here. [I can't just leave him.]

"I love you Chat." I bend down and kiss him on the forehead. Water starts pouring out the walls. The water and Chat's blood mix together, and soon it's up to my knees. A deep erosion of laughter sounds.

"Have fun drowning in Chat Noir's blood. Goodbye, Marinette." [Hawkmoth?!?!] The voice disappears, and the red water is up to my neck, I gasp. I scream... 

"SOMEONE, HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE, HEL-" My mouth is full of the dark liquid as I gurgle and choke on it. All I see is red, and I sink, I look to the right of me, and Chat's there next to me. [So this is how I die... I'm so sorry Chat.] I close my eyes and,

I gasp.

I wake up and  sit up fast, gasping for breath, I can't breath, I'm hyperventilating. Tikki flies up in front of me.

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay? Sweetie! It's okay, I'm here." 

I start crying, "Oh, Tikki, it was terrible... There -there was blood everywhere, I was dr-drowining in it." I hear a soft sob, and then a sniff of a nose.

"Are you okay ladybug?" [Hes alive... It was just a dream!] The lights are still off and I run onto his bed and hug him. I press my face into his shoulder and cry.

"I'm so glad that you're okay Chat! Don't... Don't ever leave. Promise me!" I feels tears running down his face.

"I, I promise, as long as you never leave me." he hugs me back, and i've never felt more comforted. I blush slightly, but I don't care.

"I promise, we are a team. Do, do you mind if I sleep next to you?" I blush more. "Some people believe that you won't have bad dreams if you have someone sleeping next to you."


"Okay, thank-you." I pull back and lie down next to him. I pull the mask over my head and snuggle into his chest. 

Adrien's P.O.V.

I am surprised by Ladybug in my arms. The tears from my nightmare are still drying on my cheeks, but I ignore them as I wrap my arms around her. [Maybe she doesn't think I'm pathetic. Maybe, she does care. More important than anything else though, she's here.] I tighten my grip around her and kiss the top of her head quickly, but passionately. [She's alright. It was a dream. She's safe.] 

Under my breath, I mutter, "I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I can't live through something like that." My heart rate slowly returns to normal. I become self conscious being so close to her so suddenly though. [I don't want to make her uncomfortable, but I don't want to wake her either.] I cautiously loosen my grip on her, but I am surprised when she snuggles in closer to him. My face goes bright red, but I return the favor, tightening my hold around her softly as I drift off to sleep. [If this is a dream, I never want to wake up...]

Marinette's P.O.V.

I blush as he kisses my head. [Did he really just do that? It felt... so comforting.] I think back to my dream and shudder, he pulls away, but I snuggle closer and his grip tightens. [In my dream, I said I loved him. Do... Do I really love him?] 

"Thank-you chat. and I won't let anyone hurt you either." I mumble to him, and goes to sleep peacefully.

"Goodnight Chat." I whisper.

"Goodnight M'lady."

Can You Keep A Secret? A Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now