Chapter 3

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Adrien's P.O.V.

Later that night...

"Where is she?!" I struggle against chains that suddenly materialized around me. There is enough light that I can see myself, but darkness surrounds me. "Where is Ladybug?!" 

A voice resonates in the darkness "That's none of your concern anymore." He chuckles.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" I yell at him.  

"I may. I may not. That all depends on you." Another light blasts on. I see Ladybug sitting on the floor, wrapped in chains... Unconscious.

"LADYBUG!! What have you done to her?! When I get my hands on you-" I scream at him.

"You won't. You couldn't even protect Nathalie. Or your own dear mother. Let alone Ladybug. How exactly do you plan to hurt me?" I go silent. My eyes strain on Ladybug. I tremble in fear.  

"Let her go! Please! Release her!!" 

"I will. In exchange for your Miraculous." I freeze at the thought. 

"I...I can't!!" I shout, tears pouring down my face.

"You must!! Or she will feel of my anger!" 

"Don't hurt her!! Take what you want!!" I whimper. I frantically try to take off the ring. I detransform. "I'm so sorry Plagg." My ring clatters to the floor and rolls into the darkness.

"There's a good kitty. Maybe now your parents will be oh so very proud of you." The voice cackles. I look down in desperate humiliation, the thought of my mother aching my soul. A groan fills the room. I turn to find Ladybug stirring. 

"Ladybug! Are you alright? I'm so sorry!! Everything is-"

"Adrien?" I stop in surprise. Ladybug's lips curl into a snarl. "I should've known it was you. It makes sense. Only you could attempt to be someone as pathetic as Chat Noir." She laughs. Tears come slowly this time. Like they hold more pain. My eyes widen when they see a dark figure step into the light behind Ladybug. Holding a gun.

"No! Don't-"

"This is all your fault!!!" Ladybug screams at me. The sound of a gunshot fills the room. Ladybug collapses and blood begins pooling around her. 

"NOOOOOOOO!" I scream. I scream until i have no voice. 

This is all your fault

This is all your fault

"This... is all... my fault." I sob as I fall into the pool of her blood. "I... never told you I love you... Now it's all my fault. I-I'm sorry."

I wake up in a cold sweat screaming. 

"LADYBUG!!!" I whimper and my voice is hoarse. I pant and try to get a grip. My hands curl up into fists. I shake in terror and tears stream down my face. I gasp as if in pain. "N-no." Plagg is startled awake and rises to my shoulder. He attempts to rub my shoulder it in a soothing manner. 

"Kid?! Are you ok?! Look, if this is about what I said, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!! I had no right!! I..." Plagg trails off as I put my face in my hands and sob. My shoulders shake from the force. "I'm so sorry. I have no idea what it must be like for you right now. It must be some kind of hell." 

There is stirring from Marinette's bed. I look up to her, thankful that she is still here, then I look down again. Plagg keeps trying to offer any comfort he can. I have lost any sense of self-control and continue to cry, releasing everything I felt over the course of the day in anguish.

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