Chapter 4 | Wait, What!

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Chapter 4 |
Wait, What!

          A couple weeks had passed since the whole Wally Incident, and I was currently getting ready to go to my last ballet class of the week.

Ever since the whole encounter with Satan. Pardon me, Angel. At Walmart she wouldn't let me enjoy a single class in peace. There were the comments as per usual but now she was trying to ruin my reputation.

Although not a lot of people knew me or were friends with me, I tried to be as nice and friendly as possible. Now, Satan was trying to work her demonic magic by spreading lies about me to everyone she came in contact with.

It ranged from: she steals people's boyfriends. Or she 'bribed' the teachers to get her on honor roll. If you catch my drift. 

Anything that made me look like a reflection of Angel, aka conniving, evil, and rude, she told people.

Of course they were more inclined to believe her over me seeing as I was just the friendly acquaintance and she was their super popular and friendly cheerleader.


Suddenly a there was a knock on my door, assuming it to be Wally, because my mom just walked in, I said. "Enter the dragons dungeon."

So he did, chuckling at my answer. "What was that?" He asked, biting his lip to hold back more laughs.

What a gorgeous mou- I need to stop.

I just shrugged, grabbing my ballet bag, checking to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. "That's just what I say." I flashed him a grin.

Shaking his head, he told me. "I'm dropping you off and picking you up today okay?" 

I frowned, "What why?" If he brought me, I'm sure it would be an easy gateway for Satan to attack me some more, and I would like to have at least a mild last ballet class.

He shrugged. "Just cause. I wanna see your recital." He told me, I didn't even know how he knew about that. No one ever came cause I asked them not to. No one being my mom, cause she was the only person I knew basically. 

Sad life. 

"How did you know find out about that?" I asked, really curious. I stopped checking my bag and started checking him ou- I mean looking at him.

Lord give me strength.

He just smiled and said, "I have my ways." With that he sent me a wink and left my room.


Let's just say in today's lesson, Jesus really did push me into the pits of hell and straight into Angels arms.

She tormented me throughout the entire class. Commenting about my posture, my figure, even the way I took my breaks.

Who does that?

But worst of all, she kept making snide remarks about my skin. Like, I get it, I'm dark. There is no need to compare me to dirt, poo, vomit,etc.

Every name in the book, she called me, heck! She even made up some of her own.

I didn't know how I was holding on, but it would only last a little while longer. My patience was wearing thin, my head hurt, and my eyes were starting to burn because of the tears I kept holding back.

What did I ever do to her?  Why does she hate me so much?  The color of my skin can't be the only reason. She can't be that stupid.

When thoughts like that ran through my head I could feel myself slowly breaking apart, but kept reminding myself, I was made in the image of the most high. And the Lord would help me succeed, despite my skin.

Finally, it was the end of lesson, and we were all sitting down in front of Mme as per usual. At first she didn't say anything, instead she just stared at all of us. Suddenly she broke out of her trance and sighed, gripping the bridge of her nose. "Today, ladies, I was very disappointed." Mme began. "What I witnessed in my lesson aujourd'hui was unacceptable." She was pacing slowly in front of us, an expression of utter disappointment etched on her face. 

"Il ya une fille, in this class, who has showed nasty behavior. Behavior not of a true ballerina." Hearing those words my heart stopped, was she talking about..

"It has come to my attention that a girl in this class has been bullying another student, due to the color of her skin." Mme fumed and I froze, this was it. 

I was finally going to be relived of Angel. 

"Sonya, could you please stand." Mme demanded, she didn't look happy. 

So, I stood and I could feel my hands shaking so I clasped them together. Remember the feeling I mentioned before? The one where you know something bad is going to happen?

Well, I'm feeling it right now. 

"Sonya, please explain to us, why you felt the need to constantly attack Angel due to her skin." 

Wait, what!

My stomach dropped, and each of those words were like a bullet to my heart. I was in such a state so shock that I couldn't even defend myself. "Uh, I , I, uh." Was all that fell out of my mouth.

Mme held up a hand to silence me, "I will not tolerate this type of behavior in my class. I refuse to." Her frown intensified. "Due to your actions, I have suspended you from returning to these classes, until you have proven to me that you will no longer use these racist terms." 

My jaw dropped and my heart broke. 

She couldn't, she wouldn't. 

But she did. My only passion, the thing I honestly loved the most, had be brutally snatched away from me. All because of Angel.

Angel, she did this. 

Soon my sadness turned into anger, and all I could see was red. I was going to show her, Angel would soon regret the day she decided that I was lesser than her. 

Without a word, I turned and left. I didn't address what Mme had said. Neither agreeing to the terms or rejecting them. I just left. 

And bumped straight into Wally. 


welp, seems as though Angel really wants to be a little devil. things just don't seem to be going Sonya's way, sucks man. anyway vote if you guys are anxious to see what happens next and what revenge Sonya has in store. also comment your predictions on what she is gonna do

i hope this chapter was up to par, thanks for reading!!


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