Chapter 19 | Back To School.

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Chapter 19 |
Back to School.

Today was the first day back to school. It was also Wally's first day at Vermont Prep.

Though for some reason, I seemed more stressed out about it than him. He was the one who would have to make new friends in his last year of high school, when everyone already knew each other.

Yet, I was stressing about where I was going to sit at lunch.

He was talking all AP courses, yet I was worried about failing the 3 I was taking.

Why was he so relaxed?

"Why are you so stressed Sonya?" Wally asked, a hint of amusmemt in his voice.

I looked at him and frowned. He was wearing a pair of black Levi jeans and a plain white T-shirt, and his glow in the dark Nike's.

How did he manage to look so good?

"Because it's senior year and I already know it's gonna suck." I replied, pouting. I looked so bad. My outfit sucked and I was already freaking out over marks and I hadn't even stepping foot into the darn building.

Wally just smiled at me, throwing his arm over my shoulders. "You, my friend, need to relax. Your stressing enough for both us." He looked down on me, still finding my stress funny. 

I pouted harder, crossing my arms and stepped away from him. "This is not a funny situation, stop acting like it." 

Wally just laughed and walked out the door. "Come on, Miss Stress, I'm talking us to school." 

I just rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag and walked out the door. "Mom, were going to school. Lock the door for us please? Love you." 

I heard a muffled, "Love you. Have a nice first day." Right before closing the door behind me.


Wally and I walked into the doors of Vermont Prep. and my heart dropped. I was way more nervous now than I was while we were in the house. I was never popular, I was the wallflower nobody noticed. 

It only made things worse when I walked in with Wally. Wally was everything I wasn't. He was charismatic and handsome. He could talk to anyone with ease, I stuttered when I made eye contact with someone who made me feel uncomfortable; which was basically everyone. 

As we walked down the hallways, everyone stared, and by everyone I mean everyone. All the girls scanned Wally from head to toe, the boys glanced to see who was the new competition in town. And of course, everyone is overlooking me. 

The dark wallflower. 

"Where's the office, Sonya?" Wally interrupted my thoughts. I turned to him and nodded.

"Oh, yeah. This way." I turned left down a hallway and continued until we reached the main office. We walked in and spoke to the main receptionist, after a couple minutes we got our schedules and it turns out that we had 4 out of 8 classes together. 

"I didn't know you wanted to be a doctor." I was surprised, Wally didn't seem like the medical type. 

Wally shrugged. "I want to be a pediatrician, I like kids." He looked down at me with a smile. 

"Hmm, I didn't know that." I replied, continuing to look back at my schedule. "So, we have English, Marketing, French and Math together." 

Wally nodded. "It's clear to see you're going down the business route. Accounting, Intro to Entrepreneurship. Not much science." 

I laughed, "Yeah, I want to start my own business, not cut people open." We began to walk to our lockers, which were luckily in the same hall and only separated by three other lockers. 

"Pediatricians don't cut people open, Sonya." Wally replied. I just shrugged. 

"Whatever." I shrugged off my backpack and began to put my stuff away. It was quiet for a couple minutes, I just assumed that Wally was putting his stuff away as well. "Hey, want to..." I began to ask, but as soon as I looked up, I saw Wally and Sara Perkins walking together. 

He was laughing and grinning every couple of seconds, like she was hilarious. I could see that Sara had a dazed look in her eyes. She was into Wally, a lot, and Wally seemed to like her just fine. 

Frowning, I looked down at my shoes. For some reason, this bothered me. Sara was beautiful, she had long kinky coils and looked put together all the time. She was student president and the varsity soccer team captain. Not to mention that, she was really nice. Rarely did anyone have anything bad to say about her. 

It's no surprise that Wally was drawn to her, she was everything I wasn't.

But why did that bother me so much?

I turned and headed the other direction, trying to answer my own question. Not noticing that Wally had turned back to look at me, only to see my trailing figure walk away. 


im back and im better. hope this chapter was good guys, were starting to see a shift in the way sonya views wally, but what exactly are these feelings? idk. new uploads every weekend, unless im too busy, ill try not to let that happen. but leave a like if your happy im back :) or just really want sonya and wally to be a thing. see you next time. 

much love,


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