Chapter 1

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Mark's POV

"Alright Jack, Talk to you later. Bye" I said as I ended the Skype call. I closed my laptop and just sat there for a minute before turning around in my chair. To my surprise my girlfriend Alyssa was standing in the doorway.

"Mark I'm leaving" she said.

"To the market? Great I'll come with you"

"No Mark. I'm leaving you."

That's when I noticed the bags around her.

"B-but why?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know."

"I honestly don-"

"Mark you love Jack." She interrupted.

I could see that she was fighting to hold back her tears.

"W-what?" I said.

"Come on, it's obvious. I've watched you fall in love with him over the past couple of months. Swooning, giggling, smiling at him."

"I don't do that"

"Yes you do. I know this because I used to do that with you. Mark," she paused.

" I want you to be happy. And if Jack makes you happy... T-then you should be with him. I understand. Just know that I'll still love you." And with that she left.

I got up to see if she was really gone. I checked the bedroom and the bathroom... I checked almost everywhere in the house. Nothing of hers was left behind. The house felt empty. I just sat on the side of the bed, replaying the words she said in my head.

"Mark you love Jack...."

"I've watched you fall in love with him.."

"Swooning, giggling, smiling..."

"Jack makes you happy..."

"You should be with him.."

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