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~Ok so their are several Characters in this story, so I decided to give you guys a background on everyone so you wouldn't be confused :)

Gregory Smith - Mixed African American male;Mayor for the City of Atlanta; Husband to Brenda Smith, and Father to Devin Korey and Cassy

Brenda Smith- Mixed African American Women; Wife to Gregory Smith and Mother to Devin Korey and Cassy

Korey Smith-Hopkins~ African American; Daughter of Greg and Brenda Smith Wife to James Hopkins

Devin Smith-Stuart~ Married to Jason Stuart; Mother two boys Aaron and Kyle

Cassy Smith- Mixed African American female; Williams~ Married to Brent Willams, and currently pregnant

James Hopkins- Caucasian male; Husband to Korey

Brent Willams- African American male; husband to Cassy

Jason Scott- Hispanic and African American male; Father of twin boys Aaron and Kyle; husband to Devin

Sasha Lopez- Hispanic and Haitian female; Mistress to Gregory Smith

Dean Stacen- Australian Male; old time friend of Greg and Brenda Smith; Family security Guard

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